Yet an hour later he was back in his room, staring down at the woman who’d turned his life upside down in a mere couple of days. Unbelievable that it was such a short time. It felt as if she’d been in his world much longer.

He drew a steadying breath and shoved his hands in his pockets as he surveyed her, sprawled across his bed. In the lamplight her glossy, dark hair splayed around her shoulders and her lithe, gold-toned body was a masterpiece, more alluring than any work of art.

Alexei was surprised at the depth of his desire to possess her. Not just possess her body, as he fully intended to when she woke, but to claim this woman as... What? His mistress? Carter’s daughter shouldn’t be for him.

Yet, when he was with her, it wasn’t her father’s wrongdoing that came to mind. It was the tug of something else that drew him inexorably. Desire. Attraction. Curiosity. Appreciation that she gave as good as she got. And for her humour, her unpretentious attitude, the way she’d developed a bond of friendship with Marie and Henri so quickly.

So much about her intrigued.

She mumbled and rolled over. Alexei’s thoughts frayed as he watched those tip-tilted breasts jiggle. The curve from breasts to narrow waist, then out to her hip was so sweet it stole his breath. One slim leg slid over the other, almost hiding that V of dark hair. The memory of their coupling, of her virginal tightness and shocked ecstasy, created a jolt of triumph so strong it flattened his good intentions. She’d been delectable, so charmingly enthusiastic.

Alexei’s resolve disintegrated as a wave of need slammed into him. He’d done his best, he told himself as he reefed his shirt up. He really had, he assured himself as he reached for the box of condoms in the bedside table.

But he was a man, not a saint.

Minutes later he gathered her to him, his chest against her back, his legs curved into hers from behind, the burning heat of his groin hard against the sweet curve of her rump.

‘Alexei?’ She turned her head, her hair falling back against his chest, a sliding silk curtain that tickled and aroused.

‘Yes?’ He slid his hand around to cup her breast. Immediately her nipple puckered, hard against his palm. The tension in his lower body screwed another notch tighter.

‘I’m glad you’re here.’ She sounded breathless.

‘So am I.’ He bumped his groin against her and felt her chuckle resonate through him. Her hand covered his, pressing down as she arched into his touch.

‘Are we going to have sex again now?’

Her words sent a flurry of need rushing through him. ‘If you’re not sore.’ If she was he’d have to be inventive. He was definitely up to that challenge.

‘I’m not.’ She turned, trying to roll towards him but Alexei held her where she was. ‘Don’t you want to be on top?’

The question reminded him how inexperienced she was. That he was the first man she’d been with. This time the surge of erotic excitement was so profound it threatened to blow the back off his skull. Or make him come before he was ready. Her soft, warm flesh against him was almost too good.

‘There are other ways,’ he murmured and bit her neck. She sighed and angled her head to give him better access. Alexei released her breast and arrowed his hand down past her ribs, her belly, to her hidden core. He found her slick and hot, unmistakeably ready. His erection throbbed needily and Carissa pushed back against him.

‘Show me,’ she demanded, fingers stroking along his arm, then back up, sending shivers across his flesh to coalesce at his nape and groin. He liked her bold acceptance of pleasure.

Alexei inserted one knee between hers, opening her legs a little. He nudged between her thighs, positioning himself.

‘You don’t have to do anything but, if you like, in a minute you can push back when I...’

His words died as he thrust forward, slowly at first. But then she wriggled, taking him deeper with a sexy little shimmy of her hips and Alexei found himself bucking hard and strong, as deep as he could go.

Behind his closed lids stars burst. So good. It felt so unbelievably good that it took a second to realise Carissa had gone rigid in his arms.

Was he too much? Had he hurt her? Heart pounding, Alexei began to withdraw, silently cursing. He should have taken more time, pleasured her more.

Her hand clamped the back of his upper thigh like a talon.


‘Carissa?’ He frowned, disorientated by the contradiction of her sharp voice and the clench of her inner muscles that threatened to destroy the last vestiges of thought.

For answer she drove back against him, impaling herself. ‘That feels...’

‘What?’ For the life of him he couldn’t move away. His hand circled her hip, then crept up to her breast. Her breath caught. ‘How does it feel?’

‘Wonderful,’ she whispered. ‘So wonderful.’