‘I was working in Paris on ideas for something similar, but with stylised birds’ wings that will move, propelled by the wind. It’s far more difficult than you’d imagine.’ If she could bring it off it would be perfect for Jeirut’s first royal art exhibition. Mina had promised Ghizlan she’d contribute something special and she could imagine the piece at the Palace of the Winds.

‘I’d like to see that.’

‘I’ve got drawings...’ Mina closed her mouth over her eager response as doubt welled. What else was in her current sketchbook? Anything that would give away her true identity?

‘I’d be fascinated to see them.’

Slowly Mina nodded. She’d like to show him and hear his thoughts. She suspected his response would be informed but honest.

‘I’ll check to see if I have them with me,’ she said finally. Mina looked away, hating the dishonesty of her situation. She had the strongest desire to strip away the lies. To know him properly and have him know her.

She wanted...more.

Except Carissa relied on her.

Mina swallowed, bitterness filling her mouth.

‘Are you sure you’re okay, Carissa?’

She suppressed a shiver. Even being called by her friend’s name felt wrong.

‘Of course.’ Mina darted a glance towards him, but didn’t quite meet his eyes. ‘Maybe you’re right. I think I need a rest after all.’

It was another lie. For Mina felt sparking with life and eager for more of Alexei’s loving. What did that say about her? She’d known the man mere days!

She knew so little about him. Except that he felt deeply. That he abhorred cheats, was impatient yet surprisingly kind, determined, outrageous and used to getting his own way. That when he made love to her she felt as if she could fly and that everything in the world was bright and fresh. When she was with Alexei everything was more intense.

With him she had the strangest feeling she could be more herself than she could with anyone else. And that wasn’t just about sex. The realisation was disquieting.

‘I’ll leave you to rest.’ He rose and Mina had to clench her hands rather than reach out and draw him back.

She missed the warmth of Alexei’s powerful body and the feeling of oneness. She wanted to see that smile in his eyes and bask in that wonderment again.

‘Okay?’ His hand brushed her cheek and delight coursed through her. Such a simple gesture, yet it affected her profoundly.

When had she let anyone close? Mina had spent so long hoarding her emotions to herself, first as self-protection, then because she’d focused on achieving her dream. Only Carissa had suspected Mina’s air of assurance and practicality masked innate loneliness.

Mina looked up into Alexei’s alert green gaze and her chest pinched tight.

‘Yes, I’m okay.’ And she was. Despite the circumstances, despite the lies between them that she so wanted to obliterate. In this, she reminded herself, she had no choice...yet. But soon she’d be free to explain. ‘Just tired.’ And suddenly that too was true. Mina stifled a cracking yawn.

‘Sleep then, lover. I’ll be back later.’

Mina settled her head on the pillow and watched him go, hearing thatloveras an echo that refused to die.

Tall, shoulders back, he sauntered towards the bathroom with the grace of an athlete utterly at home in his skin. What exercise did he do to keep so fit?

Her gaze traced the curving sweep of his spine, the tight bunch of his backside, the powerful, well-formed legs.

Mina wanted to sculpt him. Almost as much as she wanted to run her hands over all that warm, muscled flesh.

Her last thought before sleep took her was that she enjoyed being with Alexei Katsaros. Too much.

Alexei checked the house, the generator and the radio. The storm had hit quickly but was even now easing. The forecast predicted it would pass over soon.

Yet all the time he busied himself with what had to be done, his thoughts tracked back to Carissa. How she’d felt in his arms, in his bed, her body yielding and soft yet strong. Her slick heat driving him out of his mind. And those little growls of pleasure she gave. The memory sent a judder of longing through him.

Which was why he spent as much time as he could away from the bedroom. He knew next to nothing about virgins. There hadn’t been many in the rough streets where he’d grown up. But common sense dictated he should let her sleep.