‘Oh, yes. I definitely enjoyed the sex, Carissa.’

Something passed across her features. Something he couldn’t define, but it made heat score her cheeks. Instantly he wished he’d chosen his words more carefully. No matter what her ultimate motivation, she’d been generous with him and deserved the same. He prided himself on being a considerate lover. But even to him, the words had sounded harsh, almost dismissive.

With a stab of self-loathing he stroked her hair back from her face. ‘Thank you, Carissa. It was wonderful.Youwere wonderful.’

It was true. What they’d shared was beyond anything he recalled. Was he so jaded it had taken sex with a virgin to turn him on?

No, the truth lay elsewhere. It was something about Carissa and the way she made him feel. She was different. Enticing and provoking and more besides. Alexei breathed deep, drawing in her evocative spice-and-cinnamon scent. He could easily become addicted to it. To her.

Lightly he grazed the base of her neck with his teeth. Carissa shivered and clutched at him.

Alexei closed his eyes, savouring her responsiveness and the prospect of more voluptuous pleasure. It would be a simple thing to coax her into more. As he thought it, he recognised the tightening in his groin. He could stay here and sate himself. She was willing. He felt it in the way she arched into him, and in her quickened heartbeat that throbbed against his chest.

Yet he couldn’t do it.

Hewas the experienced one. He was the one who’d initiated this. It was up to him to act responsibly. To be considerate.

Dispose of the condom. Let her rest.All sensible, but it was difficult to make his body obey his brain.

With one last open-mouthed kiss on her satiny flesh, Alexei sighed and pulled back. He gritted his teeth, for in his semi-aroused state the friction was a powerful inducement to stay where he was. As were Carissa’s limbs around his body.

‘Must you go?’

He opened his eyes to find her watching him with an expression of such disappointment he knew he’d been right. Staying here, luxuriating in her sensuality would be a mistake. It would probably leave her aching. Plus it might convince her this was more than an act of simple physical intimacy. That she should expect more than he was willing to give.

Alexei grabbed her wrists from behind his neck and drew them down between their bodies. Her soft breasts and plum-coloured nipples brushed his hands, diverting him as erotic energy zapped through him.

He was crazy, denying himself. It was clear from her hitched breath and dilated eyes that Carissa wanted more.

But his conscience wouldn’t let him stay. She’d change her mind if he made her chafed and sore.

‘Be honest with me. Did I hurt you?’

She shook her head. ‘No. It felt...odd but not painful.’

‘Odd?’ His brows drew together and she laughed, a rich chuckle that reminded him of melted chocolate and sunshine.

‘Unusual. But good. Very, very good.’ Her smile was two parts sultry seductress and one part carefree woman.

Alexei was intrigued by the latter. It struck him that he wanted to learn about that woman, discover what made her tick. He couldn’t meld her in his mind with a conniving accomplice to theft he’d imagined.

‘Good. That gives us something to aim for next time.’

Her smile lit her face. ‘There’ll be a next time?’

‘Oh, yes.’ Alexei wasn’t strong enough to abstain permanently.

He lifted one of her hands and kissed it, starting on the back of her hand and working his way around her wrist, where her pulse fluttered wildly, to her palm. He licked it slowly, savouring, and watched her shiver.

‘I want it to be soon,’ she whispered. Her eyes were sultry and enticing. Alexei had to force himself to move away.

‘As soon as you’ve rested.’

‘I’m not tired!’

Was that a pout? Heaven help him—that mouth tempted him to forget good intentions.

‘PerhapsIam.’ It was a fabrication but better than telling her he acted for her own good. She hated any hint he had power over her. Except when he’d had her beneath him.