Not allowing time for second thoughts, Mina reached back and unclipped her bra. Her breasts swung free as she tugged it off. A flash of exaltation filled her as she watched Alexei’s expression, his sudden swallow, the tension in his jaw.

Alexei might be more experienced, he might be bigger and stronger, but Mina had her own power.

Then a hard palm centred over her nipple, closing gently on her breast, squeezing with just the right amount of pressure, and Mina’s self-satisfaction disintegrated.

Something zipped like lightning from her breast to her womb, leaving a scorched trail. Her knees rocked and for a second she wondered if they’d hold her, till Alexei curled his arm around her waist and pulled her close. Her hips pressed the damp denim of his jeans.

Her breath was a choked moan and his mouth rucked up in a smile that looked as if it bordered on pain.

Still, he worked her breast and Mina felt something vital inside her give and break free. She leaned closer, desperate for more, overwhelmed at the escalating pace of desire.

Alexei pressed his mouth to the side of her neck, near the curve that opened to her shoulder. But instead of kissing, he grazed with his teeth, then nipped gently. Mina jumped as another electric charge passed through her, exacerbating the neediness low in her body. She wriggled against him, desperate for relief.

Her hands went to his jeans, flicking the button undone as if she’d done this so many times before. Then his zip, harder to open because of the erection straining the fabric. Finally she succeeded, inserting her hands between his hips and the fabric, drawing slowly down.

A shudder passed through him, his hold tightening, then the hot length of him sprang free to rest against her.

Mina moulded him with her hands, her touch inquisitive, wondering, testing the fascinating weight and surprising silk-over-steel sensation.

But not for long. Alexei captured her wrists, pulling them away. He muttered something under his breath and stepped back. But before she could protest he shucked his shoes and shoved his jeans down.

Mina had thought his upper body beautiful, his erection arresting. But those thighs, even the carved shape of his knees and, when he turned away from her, the bunch of muscled buttocks... She breathed deep and felt herself quiver and quicken. An artist’s response to beauty melded with a woman’s need. It was an irresistible combination.

When he turned back from the bedside table, he was rolling on a condom. It was the most erotic thing Mina had ever seen.

She wanted, how she wanted.

But suddenly she couldn’t bring herself to move or touch. Her feet were welded to the floor and a curious weakness stole through her. Nerves? Now?

Alexei didn’t smile as he flicked open the snap at the top of her shorts. His expression was serious as he tugged the zip down. Mina shifted but not from embarrassment or doubt. She found herself tilting her pelvis towards him, till he cupped her with that big hand and she felt pressure just where she needed it.

So good.She closed her eyes as they rolled back, which meant she didn’t see him push the last of her clothes down her legs. When she opened them again he was crouched before her, undoing the tiny buckles on those flimsy pink sandals.

Mina’s legs were so wobbly she put her hands on Alexei’s shoulders as he slipped off her shoes, then freed her shorts and underwear.

She stood naked before him, primed and ready. Mina felt the moisture between her legs, knew it would help when they came together, yet still Alexei didn’t rise. Instead he surprised her by leaning in, dipping his head to the soft curls above her thighs.

Obeying the silent pressure of his hands, Mina moved one leg wider. She heard a grunt of approval, then nothing but a roaring in her ears as he touched his tongue to her. More than touched. Dipped and swirled and probed.

Mina’s fingers turned to talons, raking his shoulders. Her knees shook so much she’d have fallen if not for his grip. And then, suddenly, coaxed with a delicacy and precision that spoke of generous expertise, Mina exploded into rapture. Lights blurred behind closed lids, piercing pleasure filled her, so sweet it made her ache and throb, so shocking she felt as if the world collapsed in on itself.

Or maybe that was her. She was no longer standing, but lying on the bed and the soaring, intense orgasm kept going as Alexei pressed his hand where his mouth had been and kissed his way up her stomach and ribs to her breast.

Mina sucked in a desperate gasp. She’d died and gone to paradise. But surely she couldn’t take any more delight.

Which proved how innocent she truly was. For Alexei proceeded to illustrate with ease exactly how much more she could enjoy.

Her senses blurred. The only constant was the heat of Alexei naked against her, the tender touch of those hard hands, his scent, sharp and addictive, and the taste of salty skin as she kissed his shoulder, chest, throat, wherever she could reach.

Finally, when she thought she’d go mad with desperation, he gave in to the urging of her hands and restless body and settled between her legs. Mina lifted her knees, wrapping her calves around his waist and linking her ankles. She was so ready, she wouldn’t allow any more delay.

Alexei’s hot eyes held hers as he tested her then, with one hard thrust, embedded himself deep within.

Mina’s breath snared in her throat and for a shocking moment she couldn’t get enough oxygen. She read Alexei’s puzzlement in that furrowed brow and questioning eyes. But her attention was on her tight lungs and even tighter body. She felt pinned to the bed, fuller than she’d imagined possible. She couldn’t move, couldn’t possibly—

‘Breathe. Slowly, sweetheart.’ Alexei’s voice infiltrated her stunned brain. His fingers trailed her cheek in a touch that was as delicate as a butterfly wing, so different from the invasive weight of his possession.

Belatedly Mina sucked in air. Relieved, she breathed in and out with him, watching his mouth, watching the flare of his nostrils and matching her efforts to his. Gradually her frantic pulse eased a fraction, the fog in her brain clearing.