‘You’re a very persuasive kisser.’ She refused to look away, despite the heat warming her face. ‘But I’ve decided I’m not ready to settle down and marry.’

Mina paused, waiting for him to respond but Alexei said nothing. ‘I’m sorry to disappoint you. But it’s better to know now than later.’ She drew a slow breath, annoyance rising at his continued silence. ‘In the circumstances I’d like to return to Paris.’

‘That’s not possible.’

‘Not possible? Is there a problem with the plane?’

Alexei shook his head. ‘I need you here until your father arrives.’

‘Sorry?’ Still dealing with shock at her physical response to Alexei, Mina found it hard to grasp his meaning.

‘Have you heard from him recently?’

Mina frowned. ‘Heard from him?’

‘A phone call? Text or email?’

She shook her head.

That shadowy green gaze bored into her but now he didn’t bother to hide his expression. It was sharp with disbelief. With distrust.

‘It’s true!’ Mina had been thankful Carissa’s father hadn’t arrived, because it delayed the moment of her unmasking, giving her friend time to get away with Pierre. Now Mina’s stomach sank and her skin tightened. She had a bad feeling that this situation was more complex and fraught than she’d suspected. What had she walked into?

‘Then lend me your phone. I’ll check the number I have for him. Clearly the one I’ve got is wrong. It’s vital I contact him.’

Mina bit her lip. This conversation got odder and odder. But she could hardly refuse. ‘I’ll write it down for you.’ She’d have to get it from Carissa.

‘Hand over the phone, Carissa. That will do.’

There was something about the way he spoke, the air of ruthless command that sent warning cresting through her. Something was very wrong.

Drawing on years of royal training, she masked her tension. ‘Of course. I’ll go and get it now.’

She felt his suspicion like tiny pinpricks on her skin but eventually he inclined his head and relief juddered through her. For a moment she’d thought he’d insist on walking her back to her room.

Mina turned away, forcing herself not to run. But all the way to the house she felt shaky. From the sudden sense of foreboding when Carissa’s father had been mentioned? Or from that kiss?

In her room she turned the latch to lock her door and sagged against it, knees wobbly with reaction. But she had no time to waste.

Seconds later she had the phone in her hand, punching out Carissa’s number. But her relief when her friend picked up was short-lived. Mina recognised the panic in Carissa’s voice as she admitted she hadn’t heard from her father. It wasn’t like him to be out of contact so long. Worse, Pierre had rung again to confirm he wouldn’t be back in Paris for two days. Could Mina hold out till then?

Mina pressed a hand to her forehead, her thoughts frantic. Two more days here wouldn’t affect her work schedule too much. But did she really want to stay with Alexei Katsaros? Especially now the stakes seemed infinitely higher. What had started as a defiant plan to save her friend grew tangled and risky.

Then Carissa sniffed and said Mina should tell Alexei the truth. She’d done more than enough and it was time Carissa fought her own battles.

Mina was tempted to agree.

Except Carissa would be bulldozed by Alexei. She’d be cowed and if not browbeaten then emotionally blackmailed into doing what her father and Alexei wanted. Could Mina stand by and see that happen to her dear friend?

There was even a part of her that protested at the idea of Alexei with Carissa, not for Carissa’s sake but Mina’s.

Where had that come from?

Mina drew a steadying breath and thrust aside the wayward thought. She warned Carissa to move out of her apartment as a precaution, in case the masquerade came unstuck and Alexei came looking for her.

Then she ended the call and stared at the phone in her hand. If she was to play this role any longer she couldn’t let Alexei see her call history or contacts. It would be obvious she wasn’t Carissa.

Which meant refusing to hand over her phone.