‘Thank you.’ Her eyes fixed on a point near his mouth and delicate colour washed her cheeks, highlighting her patrician features. Her hair had come undone, spilling a wash of dark silk across her shoulders. It had felt like gossamer in his hands. With the sun on it, it looked like some glossy, fabled treasure. Alexei wanted to catch it up in his hands.

He wanted to kiss her and feel again the triumphant moment when her yielding became a sensual demand.

Instead he released her and stepped back, disconcerted at the lingering strength of his desire. That was supposed to be a kiss to prove a point. Yet he felt he’d walked into an ambush. His gaze sharpened on Carissa but she looked just as poleaxed.

Yet as he watched, she regrouped. Her hands went to her hips and her chin rose. She drew a deep breath and Alexei’s attention dropped to those proud, perfect breasts pouting against her pink T-shirt. His fingers twitched as he recalled the feel of her breasts. He wanted to discover if she tasted as good all over as her mouth did.

Inhaling sharply, Alexei took another step back and felt a rush of warm water around his bare feet as a tiny wave came ashore. He wished it were icy, and deep enough to wash away the erection still jutting against his jeans.

He wasn’t in the habit of losing control. His mouth tightened.

‘I’ll go and pack.’

‘Sorry?’ He scowled down at her determined features.

Carissa made a vague gesture with one arm. ‘I’d like to go home now.’ Her gaze lifted briefly to his before skittering away again. ‘If you can arrange the transport.’

Alexei shook his head, a harsh laugh grinding from his throat. ‘You’ve got to be kidding. You’re not still pretending we’re not attracted.’

‘I...’ She chewed her lip.

‘Because if you are, maybe I should kiss you again. Then when we’re naked on the sand and I’m deep inside you, you can tell me how sexually incompatible we are.’ His voice dropped to a husky cadence as he imagined it. ‘One more kiss is all it would take, Princess. You know it and I know it.’

Her nostrils flared and her eyes flashed. Alexei loved her passion. He wanted to reach out and touch it, bask in its heat.

‘Nevertheless, I want to leave. I told you I won’t marry you.’

Alexei shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he surveyed his confusing guest. A woman who’d tampered with his peace since she arrived. Who’d distracted him more than was advisable when he still had to bring her father to book.

What game was she playing? Some elaborate sexual tease? Except it was clear she suffered as much as he from unfulfilled desire.

Impatience stormed through Alexei. At himself for being diverted. At Carter for not showing himself. At Carissa for making him feel like an out-of-control teenager instead of a mogul with the world at his feet.

‘That’s a shame, Princess. Because you’re not going anywhere.’