Marriage had never been her goal. She hadn’t played brides or pretended her dolls were babies. She’d only had one doll, a gift from a neighbouring monarch that was too precious to play with. She’d assumed she’d missed out on the so-called maternal instinct.

Yet with the right partner, Mina could imagine motherhood being wonderful.

With the right partner.

Suddenly Mina felt completely, devastatingly out of her depth. All these years she’d known herself and what she wanted—the right to choose, the chance to be an artist. She’d worked hard and that work was beginning to pay off. Now, out of nowhere, this man made her feel and want things she’d never wanted before.

He undermined her certainties and her understanding of herself. And he’d done it in mere days!

Her breath clogged in her chest and she looked away. ‘It doesn’t matter. I’ve considered this carefully and I can’t marry you.’

Silence. So complete even the birds in the trees seemed to stop singing. All Mina heard was the soft shush of waves.

‘You’ll have to give me more than that.’

‘Pardon?’ She swung around and met his steady look. He didn’t seem at all put out. Instead Alexei looked merely intrigued and perhaps...amused? No, that couldn’t be.

‘You’ll have to give me a reason. Your father assured me you were interested.Youled me to believe—’

‘I led you to believe nothing!’Hewas the one who’d dragged her here. ‘I’m telling you marriage is off the agenda.’

Relief buoyed her. How much easier to stand up to Alexei when he riled her than when he was likeable.

‘I’m afraid I can’t accept that. Not unless you give me a reason.’

‘Can’t accept?’ Mina couldn’t believe the gall of the man. Her hands found her hips and she gave him a laser stare that should have singed a few inches off his height but sadly seemed to have no impact on that oversized ego. ‘Then how about this? I’m not attracted to you. If I’m going to play happy families with any man, I’d like there to be some chemistry between us.’

Her chest heaved and her chin tilted high as her gaze collided with his. Then he inclined his head and her breath came more easily. He’d got the message. See? It had been simple after all.

‘I’ll go and pack. I’m sure you’d rather—’ Mina paused in the act of turning when a large hand wrapped around her arm.

‘Not so fast, Princess.’

* * *

Alexei took in her startled expression, and the quick, convulsive swallow, the darted look at his hand on her arm—her warm, bare, silk-fleshed arm.

For two days he’d been careful not to touch her. Not even to brush against her, for his awareness of Carissa verged on the primal and he preferred to keep a cool head where the Carters were concerned. Especially as her father still proved elusive, despite the efforts of a top investigator to locate him.

Alexei breathed deep, scenting her, that tantalising aroma of exotic spice that made him want more. Far more than a single touch.

More than a provocative game of advance and retreat.

More than this brush-off.

The marriage arrangement was a sham, yet Carissa’s dismissal rankled. Did she really believe she could simply turn her back on him?

‘You wantchemistry?’ His voice hit a bass note and he felt her shiver. Her eyes widened and he caught a hint of vulnerability in that sherry-brown gaze. But then she lowered those long lashes, veiling her eyes before turning her head to survey his restraining hand. Her pointed stare and haughty expression were a silent demand that he release her.

Why silent? Because she didn’t trust her voice? Alexei watched Carissa’s pulse thrum at the base of her throat.

How could she say there was no chemistry when the air was charged with animal attraction?

He stepped close and still she didn’t look up. Alexei frowned. She wasn’t scared, was she? The bizarre thought hit out of nowhere, tangling his thoughts. It was contrary to everything he knew of her.

Carissa was proud, opinionated and brave, considering how most people bowed to his wishes. It wasn’t as if she were inexperienced. Carter had mentioned a failed affair with a Frenchman.

No, it wasn’t fear holding her still. He read the shallow rise and fall of her breasts, the rushing pulse.