She hated to admit it but Alexei Katsaros threw her off balance. He was arrogant and annoying but he was perceptive and had a lighter, warmer side. Plus he valued this pristine environment as it was.


‘Truly. I spent my teens in a crowded city. Believe me, I realise how special this place is.’ A slow smile curled his mouth and Mina felt the same curl etch a scrawl of heat deep inside. ‘Now, how about I show you the spot where the turtles come in to lay their eggs?’

Silently Mina nodded. Then, following his example, took off her sandals, her feet sinking into fine, damp sand.

Because of Carissa, Mina and Alexei Katsaros were on opposing sides. When he discovered her deception he’d be livid. She couldn’t afford to let her guard down. Yet spending time learning about him could only be to her advantage and Carissa’s, couldn’t it?

An inner voice warned Mina she was playing with fire. She should make an excuse and go back to her room.

But Mina had always been fascinated by fire and playing safe had never seemed so unappealing.