Alexei suppressed a laugh and reached for a piece of Marie’s fried chicken. The delicious aroma made him inhale appreciatively.

‘I look forward to getting to know you better, Carissa. And as for the question of starting a family immediately—’ her eyes locked on his ‘—we can negotiate.’

She inclined her head slightly, the picture of cool condescension.

Which made Alexei want to ruffle her composure all the more. The urge to reach out to her made his fingers tingle but he refused to follow through. No matter how enjoyable that would be, he needed to keep his eye on the main game.

It was almost a shame that this was all a front. He’d enjoy negotiating with Carissa over sex. Perhaps hewouldsee if she was interested in an affair when this was over.

Except by then her father would be ruined and in prison. It was unlikely she’d want anything to do with Alexei after that.

Reluctantly Alexei decided the best thing for now was to keep things low-key. He’d treat her as a guest rather than a prospective bride. He didn’t need the complications that would follow if he acted on this attraction.

* * *

‘When you’ve finished eating, I’ll show you around.’

Mina enjoyed Alexei’s voice, she realised. Its deep, suede quality was compelling. Worse, it weakened her, as if he brushed her flesh with plush fur that invited her to arch against it. There was his accent too. His English was crisp enough to prove it wasn’t his first language; he had rich, round vowels, and the occasional soft consonant gave his voice a seductive quality.

Or perhaps he did that deliberately. He’d been toying with her, occasionally flirting as they spoke.

To see how she responded? Or because that was the nature of the man?

All she knew for sure was that Carissa had had a lucky escape. She’d have been miserable with Alexei, a man who viewed finding a wife as a matter of efficiency, and no doubt the woman herself as a possession!

It would do him good to discover she wasn’t a chattel to be acquired so easily.

‘That sounds marvellous. But please, don’t let me keep you from your work. I can find my own way.’

Mina selected a skewer of tropical fruit and settled further into her seat, taking her time. She wasn’t going to jump to his bidding.

‘And neglect you?’ He shook his head and a lock of dark hair tumbled over his brow, making him look more like a beachcomber than a business tycoon.

Mina’s gaze strayed towards his unbuttoned shirt and the display of taut, packed muscle. She tried not to stare but it became tougher by the second. Why didn’t he do up his shirt? Did he think himself so sexy he had to flaunt himself? That she wouldn’t be able to resist him?

The idea was laughable. Yet Mina admitted the sight of his powerful frame set tremors running deep inside her.

She’d seen plenty of men wearing less than he did. She’d drawn nudes, even sculpted them, yet this was different.Shefelt different as she slanted a look at all that unvarnished masculinity. Not like an artist with an eye for angle and perspective. But like a woman.

There was a curious buzz in her bloodstream and her breath seemed far too shallow. The feeling was somehow both enervating and exhilarating.

Mina met his remarkable eyes. Malachite or tourmaline? The green was as deep as a fathomless ocean and just as unreadable. Beautiful yet dangerous. Like ocean depths where an unwary diver might be lured to disaster.

Setting her jaw, she put down her food and stood up. She reminded herself she was pragmatic, not fanciful, despite her creative nature.

‘I’d love a tour, if you have time.’ Anything was better than sitting, trying not to ogle a man she didn’t even like.

The tour proved fascinating. More so than she’d anticipated. Alexei showed her the main rooms in his sprawling villa. Big, airy spaces that invited you to relax. And despite the presence of some stunning pieces of art that made Mina desperate to return for a longer study, the place didn’t feel ostentatious, like a rich man’s showpiece. It was luxurious but, above all, comfortable. Mina could imagine living here.

Nor did Alexei insist on a detailed tour of every designer detail. A wave of the arm indicated the cinema. Another incorporated his private wing. Then guest suites, gym and so on. As they passed outside, Alexei swept up two broad-brimmed hats and passed her one.

‘It’s easy to get sunburned.’

Mina didn’t argue. She had a healthy respect for the power of the sun. In her country everyone covered up to shelter from its rays. Casting him a glance, she realised he looked more like a beachcomber than ever. An incredibly fit, sexy beachcomber who clearly didn’t spend all his time lolling in a hammock with a cold beer.

They passed through a lush garden, with more sculptures she promised herself she’d come back to. Then they were out on a white sand beach, where small waves shushed ashore with the regularity of a heartbeat. There were no footprints on the sand. No other houses, only water and the birds in the trees and the warmth of the sun on her body.

It was paradise.