‘You want to bring children into a family where there’s no love, just a...commercial agreement?’ Carissa’s tone jabbed through his pleasant imaginings. ‘Don’t you think that’s selfish?’

Alexei frowned. ‘Children need stability.’ His own childhood was a case in point. ‘They’d have the love of their parents, and a caring, settled environment. That’s more than many kids ever have.’

He took in the flat line of her mouth and the opaque look in her eyes, and wondered what Carissa was thinking. Had his words struck a chord?

Yet she’d been one of the lucky ones. The Carters had been a tight-knit family. There’d been no mistaking Ralph Carter’s devastation over his wife’s death, or his concern for his daughter.

Alexei recalled the late-night conversation he’d had with Carter after his wife’s death. Alexei had been leaving his office and been surprised to see the older man still in the building, though his glazed eyes had told their own story. Alexei had taken a seat, unable to walk past the man, reading the small, telltale signs of fiercely suppressed emotion.

In that moment Ralph Carter had reminded him of his father, who, while devoted to his family, closely guarded deep emotions. Alexei had known he was loved, not by words but by his father’s actions.

That night Alexei had felt a bond to Carter, enough to unbend and admit he’d count himself lucky to have a marriage such as Carter had enjoyed. It had been a moment of unfamiliar, unguarded sentimentality that surprised him.

No wonder Carter’s subsequent betrayal stuck in his craw. For the first time in his life Alexei had opened up about his most private desires, while trying to help the other man. He’d felt a brief moment of shared understanding. Then a couple of months later the guy had ripped him off, proving Alexei’s trust had been totally misplaced.

Not only that. Carter remembered Alexei’s admission that since he’d never have a love match, he’d settle for marriage based on respect and common goals. Carter had tried to exploit that. Last week, before his embezzlement was uncovered, he’d suggested Alexei consider marrying his daughter. He’d described her as beautiful, gentle and generous, if impractical at building a career.

Alexei gritted his teeth. Clearly she wasn’t impractical enough to resist the lure of marriage to a billionaire.

‘So, Carissa,’ he drawled. ‘You’re not in favour of marriage without love, but here you are on my private island. Why?’

She curled her fingers into the arms of her chair, discomfited. Then she shrugged, the movement making those lush breasts jiggle. ‘I didn’t say I’m not in favour of it. But I like to know where I stand, hence my questions.’

Alexei sat forward. ‘Wheredoyou stand, Carissa? Do you want to marry me and have my babies?’

Strange how saying it jolted heat through his belly. At the thought of Carissa in his bed. He had no trouble imagining that lissom body beneath his or astride it or against the wall of the shower as he took her with the water streaming over them. As for her pregnant with his baby—Alexei was stunned by the heavy whump of desire that slammed into him.

Carissa Carter was lovely to look at but far from the most beautiful woman he’d met. She was mouthy and opinionated, avaricious enough to marry a stranger for money. Yet, after knowing her mere hours, Alexei wanted her in his bed.

Had his wits taken a hike?

She sat back in her seat, taking time to recross her legs. Was the seat uncomfortable, or was she nervous?

More likely she was employing the not-so-subtle means of drawing his attention to her stunning legs.

Did she think he’d be so mesmerised she could manipulate him when they negotiated a prenuptial agreement?

‘The jury’s still out, Alexei. Surely you don’t expect me to make up my mind within a couple of hours of meeting you.’

He applauded her aplomb. Her answer was designed to buy her time, and improve her bargaining position, making him more eager to seal the deal. It worked. Though there was no marriage contract to seal, Alexei felt his interest quicken. He’d always found it hard to resist a challenge.

‘What if I don’t want to wait?’

Her dark eyebrows arched. ‘Then perhaps I’m not the woman you need. I’m happy to return to Paris...’ She let the words hang but shuffled forward in her seat as if ready to get up and go right then and there.

As if he’d let her go! She was his bargaining chip. The reason Ralph Carter would believe it safe to come out of hiding.

If Carter baulked at showing himself, there were other possibilities. The man doted on Carissa. All Alexei had to do was suggest he’d make the daughter pay for her father’s sins, in his bed, since she didn’t have money, and Carter would come running to her rescue.

‘No. You’ll stay here, where we can get to know each other better.’

Did he imagine she tensed? Then she shrugged and the illusion vanished. ‘That sounds ideal. I’m sure neither of us want to make a mistake on such a significant...’


Fascinated, Alexei watched the faintest tinge of pink colour her cheeks. Was she thinking, as he was, of their bodies merging in the most intimate of ways?

‘Decision.’ Carissa’s voice was crisp. She reached out and took a bread stick from the platter, broke it in half and crunched.