ALEXEITRIEDANDfailed to read Carissa’s expression. She seemed distracted, almost uninterested, as if her need to shop wasn’t urgent after all. He couldn’t get a handle on her. Every time she confirmed his estimation of her as shallow and opportunistic, she confounded him.

Marie served drinks and a substantial platter of food but Carissa barely touched the lavish spread.

‘You’ll be glad to see your father again.’

Her soft eyes widened as if in surprise, and Alexei felt his own narrow.

What was going on? Had father and daughter fallen out? Surely not. If it appeared Carissa was on the verge of securing a marriage with Alexei, her father would be eager to give the match his blessing.

‘Of course.’

‘It’s been a while since you saw each other?’

‘A while.’ She shifted in her seat, crossing her legs. Despite his determination to ferret out her motivations, Alexei was distracted by the toned golden skin on display. The ploy of a woman bent on seduction? Why else would she wear a micro miniskirt and a tight top that so lovingly moulded her breasts?

Unwanted heat flared as he considered the generous bounty barely concealed by Carissa’s new clothes. How had he thought her lacking in curves? She was slender yet definitely feminine. And those legs went on forever.

Yet when he dragged his gaze to her face, she was staring, not at him but towards the horizon, her brow knitted in thought.

Alexei experienced an odd sensation, a clamping in his gut. It took a moment to realise it was pique. He wasn’t used to being ignored by anyone, especially women.

Especially a woman who thought she was here to marry him.

Was Carissa so sure of herself that she didn’t feel the need to pander to his ego?

She turned her head, her gaze meshing with his, and his blood pumped powerfully. How would it feel if she reached out and touched him? The notion quickened his pulse to a hard, heavy throb.

‘Something’s on your mind.’ His voice was rough. ‘What is it?’

She blinked, as if surprised at his words. For a second he almost believed he’d unsettled her, though that was unlikely. When she’d arrived she’d been very vocal. There’d been nothing reticent or uncertain about Carissa. He’d enjoyed their sparring. It was rare Alexei had someone confront him, much less take him to task for his actions.

Carissa seemed to gather herself. She sat higher, those slim shoulders forming a straight, uncompromising line that even after such a short acquaintance was familiar. Her jaw angled up and Alexei felt anticipation thrum.

‘Why do you want an arranged marriage? Why not marry someone you know?’

Again she surprised him. He hadn’t suspected Carter’s daughter would look a gift horse in the mouth. But clearly Carissa was intelligent. Even if she craved his wealth, she wanted to understand his expectations.

‘I haven’t found anyone I want to marry.’ That, at least, was true.

‘But why arrange a marriage this way?’

‘Are you trying to back out?’ He sat forward, fascinated.

‘No.’ She paused. ‘I just want to know more about you.’

‘It seemed an efficient way of proceeding.’

‘Efficient?’ She tilted her head and recrossed her legs.

He heard the faint sibilant whisper of fabric on skin and fought to keep his eyes on her face. If she thought he’d be distracted by the obvious tactic she was mistaken, but that didn’t prevent arousal clamping his groin.

‘You make it sound as easy as ordering from a catalogue.’ She gestured dismissively. ‘Wanted, one female of reasonable appearance and education. Must have all her own teeth and be of child-bearing age.’ She snapped the words out, and again Alexei heard that edge of disapproval. Yet instead of annoying him, it stirred a desire to provoke more of the same. Heat simmered in his blood at the idea of Carissa aroused to heightened emotion.

If he had to wait for her father to come out of hiding, he might as well enjoy himself.

‘Why not? Look what it’s brought me.’ He let his gaze drop, trailing down her long, proud neck to her collarbone, the high curve of her breasts and lower.