‘You’re that desperate?’ Alexei angled his head as if to survey her better. His expression didn’t alter, but the flare of his nostrils hinted at impatience. ‘I’m afraid not. The boat’s being repaired.’ Mina opened her mouth, but before she could ask he added, ‘It will be available again in a day or two. I’m sure you’ll enjoy an outing to the boutiques after that. I’m assured they stock an excellent range.’

‘I can’t wait.’ Mina manufactured a smile and sank back in her seat. She didn’t need a high-end boutique that catered for the rich at play. But there was no point explaining that. For now she’d simply wash her underwear every night.

Inevitably her thoughts jagged back to her unmasking when Carissa’s father arrived. Her stomach squeezed uncomfortably.

She could almost hear her own father’s pained voice, telling her she’d been reckless and headstrong. That she shouldn’t have dared to disrupt a father’s plans for his daughter.

But how could she regret helping her friend? She couldn’t sit and watch her forced into marriage.

Mina wasn’t afraid of Alexei’s reaction when he discovered the truth, or Mr Carter’s. After all, what could they do to her? And it served them right for putting Carissa in such an invidious position. Yet now the first rush of indignation on her friend’s behalf was fading, Mina wasn’t looking forward to the moment of revelation. It would be uncomfortable at best, especially as she relied on Alexei’s goodwill to get off the island. He was bound to be furious.

What would an angry Alexei Katsaros be like? Loud and belligerent, or icily condemning?

Mina could withstand anything he threw at her. That went without saying. Yet she found herself wishing she were back in Paris, busy working instead of playing this cat-and-mouse game.

Suddenly the lack of underwear seemed the least of her concerns.