‘I’ll get work in Australia. I’ve had offers before but I wasn’t interested.’

Amber shook her head. ‘And you’re not interested now. Your business is here, remember?’ What game was Aurelio playing at?

‘My business is wherever you are, Amber.’ His gaze softened and his nostrils flared as he breathed deep. ‘You and our baby.’

Amber backed a step on wobbly legs. Her bruised heart gave a mighty lurch as if trying to leap out into his open hands. She pressed the heel of her hand to her sternum, trying to ease the pounding beat.

This was too much, too unbelievable. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. You can’t give up your winery. It’s your life.’

Even before he revealed how he’d clung to his dream like a lifeline after his fiancée’s death, Amber had seen how much the place meant to him. If ever there was a man living in harmony with his environment it was Aurelio.

He shook his head. ‘You think a winery, or any business, is a fit substitute for love?’

Amber frowned. He was talking in riddles. The sooner she left the better, because he was tying her in knots. Just standing close to him made her weak with all the longings she fought so hard to repress.

‘You obviously think so. It’s what kept you going all this time.’

‘Maybe that’s the problem.’ He speared a hand through his hair in a jerky gesture that spoke of impatience. ‘If what you said is right, I’ve been hiding there too long. It’s time I concentrated on what really matters. Time I stopped running and faced my feelings.’

Amber swallowed hard at the fierce light in his eyes. She’d seen Aurelio vibrant with passion and laughter, racked by pain and determined in his rejection. But she’d never seen him look like this.

Look atherlike this.

She faltered back another step at what she saw in his face. Her foolish heart swelled.

‘You’re absolutely right, Amber. I’ve been hiding, not just from the world, but from you, and from emotion. I’ve been fighting not to feel but it didn’t work. Ever since we met I’ve felt…different. Connected. Engaged. You turned my world upside down and I didn’t know what to do about it so I did what I’d done for years and buried myself in the winery. But it didn’t work.’

‘It didn’t?’ Amber crossed her arms over her waist, hugging in the burgeoning hope that sprang out of nowhere at his words. Surely he couldn’t be saying what she thought he was?

‘If you hadn’t turned up that day at the winery I’m not sure how much longer I’d have withstood the temptation to return to Rome and see you.’

‘But you didn’t want me there.’

His mouth crooked up at one corner in a half-smile that weakened her jelly knees even further. Did he know? Is that why he reached out to cup her elbow, holding her steady? The warmth of his hand on her bare arm sent delicious heat coursing through her. This time she didn’t pull away. Just stood, staring up at him, needing to hear more.

‘Of course I didn’t. Because you threatened my cosy world. You made me feel things, want things I’d convinced myself I didn’t deserve.’

‘Oh, Aurelio…’

‘Don’t you dare feel sorry for me!’ His scowl was brutally hard. ‘I’ve been a totally selfish bastard. I hurt you.’ His other hand lifted to her face, then paused a moment. Did he expect her to push him away? When she didn’t, his knuckles slid in a tender caress down her cheek.

‘I’m so sorry, Amber. For all the hurt I’ve caused. It’s going to take a lot to make it up to you, I know.’

It was heaven standing here, listening to his soothing words, feeling his touch. But it wasn’t enough.

‘Why are you here, Aurelio? Is it guilt over what I said about not being a fit father?’

She wouldn’t really deny him a part in their child’s life if he wanted it.

‘Why am I here?’ He paused and this time when his mouth curved up it was in a full, wide smile, transforming his features from brooding to stunningly charismatic.

His grasp slid from her elbow to her hand just as he dropped to his knees before her. Amber’s eyes widened.

‘I’m here because I love you. I love you and I want to persuade you to forgive me, or at least persuade you to give me a chance to prove myself.’ His smile faded, replaced by a solemn expression that made her heart roll over.

‘Please, Amber, give me a chance to prove myself to you. I love you and I want to be in your life.’

‘Aurelio?’ She couldn’t believe she was hearing this. Or seeing him on his knees before her. But he was so intent, so engrossed, she had to believe he was serious.