Sonia stared at those large, familiar hands, feeling again that undertow of desperation for his touch. Not just sexually, but because she loved it when he held her. Loved his tactile nature. Loved that he enjoyed being close to her.

Loved him.

There was no getting away from that single, immutable fact.

The question was, what was she going to do about it?

Suddenly, out of the morass of confusing emotions, Sonia discovered one certainty. She lifted her chin and looked her lover in the eye.

‘I would like to talk with them, but not now, on the phone. What I’d like is to meet them sometime. For you to introduce us.’

‘As my fiancée?’ Was that relief she read in his expression? How the assured man she knew had changed.

Sonia shook her head. He was going far too fast. ‘As your friend, your lover.’ She paused, trying to find the right words. ‘All I want, ifwe continue to see each other, is to be treated with respect, not as some dirty secret.’

‘You were never that. I swear it.’ Renzo grabbed her hand and raised her wrist to his lips, kissing the ultra-sensitive spot he knew drove her insane, while he ate her up with those dark eyes.

‘Stop it. That’s not fair.’ But her protest was half-hearted and he knew it.

‘You want me to be fair?’ He stepped even closer, so they stood toe to toe. This close she could feel every breath he took, see the pulse hammer at his temple. ‘Fairness means honesty, yes? So, let me tell you I’ve never wanted a woman the way I want you. I want to be with you all the time. I want you in my life and that’s never going to change. I love you, Sonia.’

Breathless at the sincerity vibrating in his voice, at the tenderness of his touch, Sonia trembled. 

‘Give me a chance to convince you,tesoro. And to persuade you to love me too. That’s all I ask.’

It was too much. She’d withstood a lot but finally her control broke. The feelings welling up inside were simply too big to restrain.

‘I do love you, Renzo. Why do you think I was so furious, so hurt, when I found out about your fiancée?’

‘My almost-fiancée.’ His smile was blinding as he wrapped those long arms around her and tugged her close. But he didn’t kiss her, just stood, staring down at her with satisfaction. He would have looked the epitome of the macho Italian male, sure of his innate superiority, except Sonia read wonder in his expression too, and relief. ‘You love me?’

‘Ridiculous, isn’t it? We’ve known each other less than two months.’ She didn’t even try to stop the smile curling her lips. It matched the burgeoning glow of wellbeing that spread through her from fingertips to toes. Right from the start Renzo had made her feel good.

‘Not ridiculous at all. What’s not to love about me?’ There it was, that gleam of humour she so appreciated, dancing in his eyes. Then it faded, leaving him serious. ‘I thought I’d lost you, tesoro. I never want to feel that way again.’

‘Then treat me well and I might be persuaded to stay.’

‘Permanently, yes?’


Renzo shook his head. ‘You’re a tough woman, Sonia Rossi. Tough but adorable. Just as well I love you.’

Her pulse hitched on the words and his gaze sharpened. 

Renzo pressed his lips to her wrist again, his eyes never leaving hers as he began murmuring in Italian, a stream of words surely designed solely to seduce. Her knees weakened and her heart pumped faster and she saw his eyes narrow as he watched her.

‘Stop that!’ Even though she loved it.

‘Stop telling you how I feel about you?’ He even managed to look hurt.

‘You’re trying to persuade me into marriage.’ Just saying the words aloud reminded her how bizarre the situation was. They’d known each other such a short time. ‘It’s too soon, Renzo. Far too soon.’

One more searching look, then he nodded. ‘I’m sure of my feelings, Sonia, but I understand that this has been...unexpected, for both of us. We’ll take this slowly, one day at a time, okay?’

‘Perfect.’ And suddenly it was. The idea of building a relationship with Renzo one day at a time, till they had something strong and sure, was all she could hope for.

‘But know this, tesoro, I have a long-term future in mind.’ He bent and nuzzled her neck just below her ear and she softened in his arms, feeling the predictable rush of arousal mixed with something new, the tenderness of love, that she hadn’t let herself feel before.

‘Stop talking, Renzo and kiss m—’

Her hot Italian was nothing if not obliging. Arms of honed steel wrapped her close against that deliciously hard frame. He took her mouth with a tender deliberation that was a statement of intent as much as a promise of love. And Sonia knew with a moment of pure clarity that following her heart was the best thing she’d ever done.