‘I feel guilty about Ambra. But I hurt you too, and for that I’m sorry.’ He reached out and took her hands. They felt cool and limp but at least she didn’t resist. The cramping guilt in his belly eased a notch. 

‘The reason it’s important now when it never was before, is because of you, Sonia.’ She blinked up at him, a frown forming on her brow. ‘The idea of tying myself to another woman is simply impossible with you in my life.’

‘You mean you don’t want to have an affair anda wife?’ Her tone was sharp.

‘Of course I don’t!’ Outrage surged through him – Sonia should know him better than that. But he held his indignation in check, reminding himself that after the shock of the last two days Sonia probably questioned everything she knew about him. 

‘There’s only one woman I’m interested in, tesoro, and that’s you.’

‘Don’t, Renzo.’ She made to tug her hands free but he held them firmly. ‘You don’t need to pretend.’

‘Pretend? I’ve never been more honest about anything in my life.’ He lifted one hand and cupped her cheek, feeling her jaw work as she swallowed hard. Her skin was warm velvet to the touch, the scent of rich vanilla and woman. It was a perfume he’d become addicted to.

Sonia turned her face away. ‘Even if I believed you about the engagement, it’s time to go our separate ways. You and I don’t inhabit the same worlds.’

‘Of course we do. That’s exactly why I haven’t moved back to my place. Because what we share is so good.’

Her mouth crinkled into a crooked line that spoke of hurt. ‘What we had was...fun. But it wasn’t meant to last. We both know that. Our affair has run its course and—’

‘You don’t mean that.’ Renzo turned her face back to his, willing her to look at him. Finally she did and he felt the jolt of connection right to his heels, cemented to the hard-packed earth. ‘Can’t you feel it,tesoro? Can’t you feel how right we are together?’

Hefelt it. 

He’d felt it for weeks, but hadn’t let himself think through what it meant. Yet he’d known instinctively when Ambra had talked of planning a future together.

‘Whatever you think, you have to believe I’d never lie to you. I hurt you but it wasn’t deliberate. Hurting you is the last thing I want to do. I want to stay with you, and not just for a short affair. That’s what I realised after I spoke with Ambra. It’s not just that I don’t love her. It’s that I’m already in love. With you.’

Those glorious eyes shone up into his. ‘Renzo?’ Then she bit her lip and he read her hesitation. ‘The last time a man told me he loved me—’

‘I’m not him, Sonia. Yes, I’ve been too self-absorbed to see what was right under my nose. Too used to indulging myself to think through what was happening. But I’ve never felt this way before.’ Still he read doubt in her expression. ‘If you don’t believe me you can talk with my grandparents. I told them that if I was going to marry anyone it would be my adorable Australian.’

‘You didn’t!’ 

That was more like it. Colour washed Sonia’s too pale face and suddenly she was animated again. He watched her expression hover between surprise and delight.

‘I did. I was on my way back to talk to you about that when I found the apartment deserted. I was gutted. I’ve been going frantic wondering where you were and if you’re okay.’

* * *

Sonia stared into that face she knew so well and hovered on the brink between doubt and belief. 

Before the revelation about his engagement, she’d have said she trusted Renzo completely. 

And now?

Now instinct, or possibly her heart, urged her to accept his word. To believe the desperate expression in those gleaming eyes. 

But the very fact she wanted it all to be true made her hesitate. She’d wanted to believe in Eric, hadn’t she? She’d missed the warning signs because she was too wrapped up in romantic fantasy. 

Eric could lie outright and still look honest. 

But Renzo wasn’t like him. Considering Eric now made her aware of the differences between the two men.

Both were charmers but with Renzo the charm wasn’t from trying hard to ingratiate. Renzo had the sex appeal and easy confidence that Eric had aspired to but never quite achieved. Renzo had a successful career he worked hard at. Eric seemed to spend more time strategising how to best rivals in the large corporation where he worked than actually working. Renzo was naturally generous and often took her places solely because he knew she’d enjoy them. Eric assumed she’d be pleased with whatever he wanted to do and as for generosity...No, the two were like chalk and cheese.

‘I believe you were worried about me,’ she said slowly, watching Renzo pull his phone from his pocket.

‘So you believe me? Would you like to talk with them?’ He stopped in the act of punching in numbers, presumably to call his grandparents and prove what he said.