Chapter Eight


Renzo slitted his eyes against the morning light and cursed the sound of the phone that woke him. Ignoring it, he reached for Sonia but she was gone. The bed was cold.

He hefted a deep, disappointed breath, then smiled as he remembered how they’d spent most of the night.

It was a miracle she could get up so early for work each day after so little sleep. He, at least, had the luxury of choosing his own hours. In the office they expected him late, and often he chose to work from home, or through the night on this current project. After all, it was his firm.

Too often he was asleep when she left, or only awake enough to brew them both a coffee, and then she was out the door, rushing off to work. 

His smile widened as he thought of how Sonia looked then, breathless from his kisses and always just a little rumpled.

Nowtherewas something worth getting up for. It was time, he decided, to change his ways and work more sociable hours, especially since the Malaysian project was nearing the stage when he didn’t need to be so hands-on. 

His smile stiffened as he realised the direction of his thoughts. 

He wanted to change his night-owl habits to spend more time with a woman?

With Sonia. 

The distinction was significant, he realised. Sonia wasn’t just any woman. She was the first woman he’d known for whom he’d gladly reset his body clock, just to be with her more.

Renzo lay staring up at ceiling as the enormity of that admission sank in.

Change his ways for a woman?

Up till now it had been enough to enjoy a lover and move on. Women fitted into his life or they didn’t. 

Yet instead of feeling concern or resentment at the idea of altering his habits for a lover, all Renzo felt was a flourish of anticipation deep in his belly. More time with Sonia would be—

The insistent buzz of the phone interrupted his thoughts. This was the third time in a couple of minutes. The caller definitely wasn’t giving up.

Sighing, Renzo swung out of bed and paced out to the living room where he’d left his phone. 


‘Carla? Is that you?’ He frowned and glanced at the time. His cousin was renowned for sleeping even later than he. ‘Is something wrong?’ 

Instantly his thoughts turned to their elderly grandparents. They’d been well when he’d last seen them but he was overdue a visit, distracted by Sonia into staying in Rome.

‘You tell me. That’s why I rang, to check on you.’

‘You’re talking in circles. What’s going on? Are you okay?’

‘I’mokay. It’s you I’m wondering about.’

‘I need coffee if you’re going to play games at this hour.’ Renzo shook his head and sauntered to the kitchen. ‘Just tell me nonnaand nonno are okay.’

‘Oh, I’m sure they’re okay. No doubt morethan okay with this morning’s news.’

Renzo gritted his teeth and got out the coffee. ‘And what news might that be?’ Trust Carla to string this out. Clearly she had something to impart but delighted in making him wait.

‘You haven’t got any news you want to share?’

Renzo closed his eyes and called on his waning patience. ‘Absolutely nothing.’