Sonia stifled the frisson of excitement that flashed through her at the idea of Renzo missing her. It didn’t mean anything significant. Neither of them had signed on for significant and it would be crazy to expect to change their relationship now. She had no illusions that Renzo was interested in tying himself to any one woman.

Nor was she interested in tying herself to any man. Even if sometimes it felt—

‘You were the one who went out this evening without me.’ Silly how bereft she’d felt, despite the work she’d had to keep her busy. Work she hadn’t been able to concentrate on.

Renzo lifted his shoulders and spread his hands in that gesture that insisted he’d had no choice.

‘A boring duty dinner. I’d rather have been here with you.’ He stroked his hand down her bare throat and round to her nape, sending shivery waves of pleasure cascading through her. ‘Why don’t we go inside and get naked?’

Inevitably, the thought of being naked with Renzo made Sonia’s body soften in anticipation. Already she was leaning towards him. But she really did have to finish that job. She’d just taken a break to call Ange.

‘I’m sorry. I’ve still got work to do.’

‘And it has to be done tonight?’

Oh, that voice of temptation. It scrolled through her, like a curl of creamy parchment unravelling through her middle.

‘Sadly, yes. If I’m to have the designs tomorrow as planned.’

A huge sigh lifted his broad chest, then his forehead touched hers and his breath was warm on her face. ‘Va bene.’ He reached down and took her hand in his. ‘First we work, then we enjoy ourselves.’ He kissed her hand, lingeringly, enough to send darts of sizzling heat to every corner of her body, then turned and led her back downstairs.

How different he was to Eric who’d sulked when he hadn’t got his own way. Who’d expected Sonia to fit in with his plans and be at his beck and call. Too late she’d realised it was because he was fitting her into the gaps he carved out from his real life.

Yet here was Renzo, a successful businessman, urbane, charismatic and sexy enough to attract women wherever they went, taking no for an answer. Fitting in with her priorities.

Sonia felt a glow inside that had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with being respected and appreciated. She could get used to that!

Thirty minutes later she closed her sketchbook and stretched. Done. Not only done but every bit as good as she’d hoped. With luck Roberto would agree and this design might make the next collection.

She looked across the living room to where Renzo was stretched out on a long sofa. His tie was undone, his shirt half-unbuttoned and his hair stood up as if he’d been running his fingers through it. The dark shadow along his jaw was more pronounced than usual and Sonia itched to reach out and scrape her fingers across it.

Working on his laptop, he didn’t notice her watching him.

It struck her then how domestic their situation was. They were short-term lovers, destined to go their separate ways, yet for over a month they’d co-habited. She knew so much about him. Knew he never really woke till he had his first coffee and that he was a night owl who didn’t mind working through till the early hours. Knew far more too. His kindness in helping her learn his beloved city, his quirky humour, his—

‘What?’ He looked up and caught her staring. ‘Do I have a mark on my face?’

‘Actually you do. On your left cheek.’ She hadn’t noticed before. When he swiped and missed it she got up and crossed to him. He angled his head and the light caught the mark. Sonia stiffened. ‘It’s lipstick.’

‘Where?’ He licked his finger and held up his hand till she pushed it in the direction of the dark plum streak so he could rub it off. But when she moved back Renzo caught her hand. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing. I just...’ She was about to say she was tired but it would be a lie. She’d never felt more wide awake in her life. 

Renzo put his laptop down and surged to his feet, his eyes narrowed on hers. ‘It doesn’t mean anything, Sonia. This is Italy. Italians kiss on the cheek all the time. And as there was a woman at my duty dinner tonight...’ He shrugged, the picture of easy charm. Yet his regard was watchful, as if waiting to see how she reacted to his explanation.

‘Of course. I understand.’ And still that buzz of disquiet ripped through her insides like a pair of dressmaking shears through thin cotton.

‘Sonia.’ Renzo cupped her face in his warm hands and his touch had never felt more potent. 

Heat filled her, and longing. And she knew, suddenly, that she was in big, big trouble. Casual wasn’t supposed to feel so vital, was it?

‘There is no other woman, Sonia. You have my word on it and I’m a man who keeps his word.’

Sonia looked into that glittering gaze and knew it was true. She could trust his word. Renzo was an honourable man even in a time when honour seemed overrated to some. He worked hard, played hard and found time always to do the decent thing. He even called his elderly grandparents in the country each week, though those calls left him shaking his head over what he said was their refusal to live in the current century.

‘Besides,’ his mouth rucked up at one corner, creating an intriguing hollow that just begged to be kissed, ‘how could I look at another woman while I’m with you?’

The heat in his gaze, the possessive touch of his hands, ignited the fire that was always quick to burn. Yet a tiny part of Sonia’s brain wondered just how long it would be till Renzo walked away from her.