How long it took for his brain to engage from that dazed state, he had no idea. But finally thoughts began to trickle into his consciousness.

Renzo was a master of pleasure. He’d had as many lovers as he wanted. He enjoyed sex, enjoyed women. Yet every sense warned Sonia Rossi wasn’t just any woman.

For a second he hovered on the brink of fear. The elemental terror of a man faced with forces beyond his ken.

Until a suitable explanation presented itself.

In Sonia he’d found a sensual, sensible, sensitive woman. A woman who enjoyed physical intimacy as much as he, who wouldn’t overstep the boundaries by trying to push into his private life long-term.

Plus she was one of the few women he knew who really seemed to appreciate his work. He’d watched ex-lovers’ eyes glaze when talk turned to architecture, because it wasn’t his design skills they were interested in.

Renzo grinned as he wrapped Sonia tight against him, inhaling the scent of sex and woman and rich vanilla that was her signature. He bent his head, nuzzling her hair away to kiss her ear. Instantly she trembled, as if even that caress undid her. His hold tightened protectively. 

Everything with Sonia was heightened. Every touch, every scent, every nuance. Even his colour perception was enhanced, he realised as he picked out the glint of gold and tiny threads of auburn in her caramel tinted hair.

He’d never felt so alive.

He had planned to move back to his apartment in a couple of days, since the building work would be finished. Now, though, he revised that. He’d stay here and enjoy all the benefits of having his temporary live-in lover till this passion burnt itself out.