Hadn’t he sensed they’d be perfect together? He counted his lucky stars that fate, in the form of his neighbour’s renovation, had forced him out of his apartment.

‘You need to broaden your experience. Australia has a thriving coffee culture.’

He sipped again, letting his gaze drift over the sensual woman on his bed, trying to still the impulse to tumble her back onto the mattress and ravish her. He needed to give her time, at least, to enjoy her coffee.

‘So you’re fantastic at coffee, fashion and sex. What else?’ Fascinated, he watched a tinge of pink crest her cheekbones. Another hint that, despite her abandon in his bed, Sonia Rossi wasn’t quite as unreserved as he.

‘Isn’t that enough?’

‘More than enough.’ He put his empty cup down on the bedside table but she was already on her feet, stepping swiftly away from the bed.

Renzo frowned. Was this rejection?

No, he couldn’t believe it. She could have left for her own room and abandoned him but she hadn’t. He surveyed her heightened colour and wondered if it was nerves.

Sonia, nervous? It didn’t compute with the woman he’d made love to through the night.

Could it be something to do with it being the morning after? Renzo remembered his musings about her sexual experience. If he was right, Sonia wasn’t used to affairs. She was an exuberant, generous lover, but he’d sensed more than once a layer of reserve, of surprise even.

Curiosity spiked. If she didn’t have casual flings, then why now? 

But the first rule of the casual fling was never to probe into personal matters.  

‘What’s this?’ She paced towards his drawing board, reaching out to open the curtain a little so a shaft of light spilled across it.

In the bright light he watched her stiffen. ‘Are these your drawings?’

Renzo caught the surprise in her darting look.

‘They are. They’re what’s been keeping me up all week. Until last night.’ His voice dropped to a gravel rumble on the thought of last night, but she didn’t notice.

She was shaking her head, her glorious, tumbled hair flying around her shoulders. ‘I thought you were up each night partying. I had no idea you worked.’

Something stabbed at him. The fact she’d believed him an idle loafer? Why should it matter? Renzo made it policy never to explain himself to anyone. Besides, it was true that with his family name and money he could have spent his time doing nothing but enjoy himself. Except lazing about with no purpose would have driven him crazy.

Nevertheless, he leaned forward, watching her reaction. ‘You’re disappointed I’m not a layabout?’

She shrugged. ‘It’s none of my business.’

Strange how unsatisfying he found that answer. They were housemates with benefits, that’s all. Yet Renzo found himself wanting to impress her. 

‘This looks amazing. You’re a very talented architect.’ She put one hand on the board, leaning closer for a better view and Renzo watched the bottom of his shirt climb higher up her long, bare legs. All thought of architecture and making a good impression disintegrated.

‘Not as amazing as you,’ he murmured. ‘You should wear my shirt more often. It looks far better on you.’

The smile she shot him was perfunctory, as if she dismissed the compliment as nothing. But it was true. The sight of Sonia in his shirt was far sexier than any lingerie model in black lace.

The realisation hit him full in the libido.

Yet it seemed she didn’t realise the impact she had. Again curiosity rose. Renzo wanted to know why. Even if it wasn’t relevant to their no-strings affair.

His curiosity about Sonia grew by the second.

‘Why has this been keeping you up? Are you having trouble with the design?’ She put her cup down and planted both hands on the drawing board, leaning forward to examine his sketches.

Renzo lay back against the pillows and watched the fine cotton creep even higher up those toned thighs, his groin tightening. 

‘No, more like trouble with the client. I just came back from a week in Malaysia, where I’d ensured everything was on track with the build. But since I returned to Rome the client keeps wanting changes that impact on the structure. Every night I have video conferences not only with the client but the project manager and suppliers. If this keeps up I’ll have to travel out to the Far East again soon.’