She’d never thought of a male body as delectable before, but with Renzo she wanted to taste as much as touch. Sonia leaned in, pressing her mouth to the dark disc, laving, tasting the salty, spice tang of his flesh. Then she sucked, drawing his nipple into her mouth and unleashing a storm of fractured Italian. 

Renzo’s husky voice did alarming, wonderful things to her. Her father’s language had never sounded so good, so decadently inviting.

Renzo dug his fingers into her hips, drawing her up against him and she felt the searing liquid rush of arousal between her legs. 

‘La mia piccola tigre. You undo me.’ His lips moved against her hair and her scalp tightened. She’d never felt so aroused, so ready.

‘Renzo. Please. I want—’

‘I want you too. All of you.’ On the words he backed her towards the bed and guided her down onto the mattress. Kisses rained across her cheek, her ear, her neck. Sonia linked her hands behind his head, tunnelling her fingers through his thick hair, straining towards him, offering her mouth as he blanketed her with his tall frame, pushing her down into the bed.

Renzo’s dark eyes burned so hot she felt the lick of flames across her lips. ‘No, tesoro. Not yet. If I kiss you...’ He shook his head. ‘I promised you pleasure. That takes time.’

‘I don’t want time. I want you!’ Sonia was beyond caring that she sounded desperate. 

Renzo pressed his finger to her mouth. ‘Patience, bella.’

For answer Sonia opened her lips and drew his finger into her mouth. She saw a flash like lightning cross his face, felt the abrupt jerk of his big body over hers, then he withdrew his hand. ‘That mouth of yours will be the death of me.’

Sonia frowned. Her mouth? 

‘It’s a compliment, bella. Just thinking about your mouth makes me hard.’

‘It does?’ Eric had never said anything like that. He’d never made her feel so extraordinary. 

Whereas just watching Renzo watch her made Sonia feel like a different woman. A woman who took what she wanted, revelling in her femininity and not afraid of desire.

Sonia was tired of being cautious. Besides, there was nothing to fear here. Renzo offered physical pleasure. There’d be no knotty emotional tangles or hurtful betrayal.

Her thoughts scattered as he rolled onto his side and in one easy movement, yanked the slippery skirt of her dress up to her waist. 

She opened her mouth to speak then shut it when she realised she had nothing to say. Certainly she didn’t object. She was squirming with eagerness and Renzo’s hungry expression ripped away the last shreds of her control.

So when he slid down the bed to kneel on the floor between her feet Sonia felt only rising urgency.

His palm against the wet silk of her knickers was warm and broad, inciting a slow roll of her hips as she sought the glorious friction of his touch. Then, too soon, he moved his hand. She was about to complain when she felt the tug of lace and silk down her hips and thighs. Finally she was naked from the waist down, her lower body clenching as she watched Renzo survey her. 

He ducked his head and to her astonishment she felt the warm grasp of his hand around her ankle. The brush of his hair against her leg as he bent to kiss his way up her calf. Who knew that ankles could be so sensitive to caresses? Or that the back of her knee was an erogenous zone? Renzo lifted her leg and slicked his tongue along the crease at the back of her knee and hundreds of volts jolted through her.

Or perhaps it was from his hand tickling its way up her other leg with light touches that ignited shuddery responses.

‘Renzo!’ If she weren’t so desperate she might worry about the tremor in her voice, the gasping urgency. But Sonia was beyond caring. ‘Stop playing games. I want you.’

But she didn’t have the willpower to sit up and draw him close. He reduced her to a quivering heap of want. Everything he did, every touch, even the warmth of his breath and the rasp of his stubble on her skin, excited her. It was all magic, yet she craved his possession, ached for him to fill the void within.

Renzo lifted his head. Dark eyes, made mysterious by the night, held hers. ‘I’m not playing, Sonia. I take seduction very seriously.’

She shook her head. ‘There’s no need. I’m already seduced.’ Awkwardly she lifted herself onto her elbows so she could be nearer to his level.

Yet instead of closing the gap between them, Renzo lifted her leg over his shoulder and turned his face to nuzzle the tender flesh of her inner thigh.

‘I promised you pleasure.’

He grazed his teeth against her upper thigh and she shook from head to toe.

‘If you want to please me—’

‘Oh, I do, bella. And I aim to be thorough.’