Surely she’d recover more quickly somewhere else. Ally turned to look out at the spectacular view of terraced gardens, cobalt sea and azure sky. The weather had finally cleared. Maybe it was time to find somewhere else to recover.

Angelo tried to focus on emails but his thoughts kept straying.

To last night’s kiss. To the yearning that had opened up inside him for more than just the taste of her.

It was utterly, irrefutably wrong to lust after his ex-wife. It should be out of the question. Yet Angelo couldn’t lie to himself. He’d been on the brink of taking things too far.

With a woman he couldn’t trust.

A woman he’d told himself he hated.

Yet she’d got underneath his skin in ways that defied logic and his determination to keep her at a distance.

Everything about that kiss had felt fresh and wonderful. There’d been no taint of past lies. Instead it had felt like a new beginning. What enticement had she woven around him?

He’d had yet another discussion with the doctor, who was adamant that his ex-wife’s memory loss was the result of head trauma. Adamant too that she needed rest and calm.

That, combined with the guilt that clawed Angelo’s belly whenever he thought of last night’s revelations, left him ill at ease.

He could have handled it better. Yet whenever he dealt with Ally he found himself running on emotion, not logic. Beneath every contact were memories of her bare-faced lies and selfish greed.

She’d hurt not only Angelo but his family.Thathad been unforgivable.

He’d promised his papà he’d look after the family, yet it washewho’d introduced Alexa and her poison into their lives. Because of himthey’dsuffered. Angelo had failed them, breaking his deathbed promise to the man he’d admired above all others. That knowledge carved a gash through his soul.

His mamma had been thrilled at the prospect of abambino. She’d come alive for the first time since Angelo’s father died, finally focusing on the future not the past.

His heart had lightened and he’d found himself for the first time thinking about a family of his own.

Then when the truth emerged he’d had to watch his beloved mamma withdraw into herself all over again.

And his sister grow wary to the point of paranoia. Giulia was a lovely person with her own unique beauty, yet she feared falling into the same trap as Angelo. She rarely dated, suspecting men were only attracted by her fortune, and he feared she was in danger of becoming a recluse. His once bright, gregarious sister!

That was Angelo’s fault. If he hadn’t fallen for Alexa’s lies, acting impetuously with a youth’s confidence in his own judgement, they wouldn’t have suffered.

Yet that hadn’t prevented his response to Ally. Despite the negative memories and suspicion, there was an insistent tug that kept drawing him to her. Physical attraction, yes, but something more too.

He was torn between wanting to protect her and make her smile and wishing she’d leave and never return.

Angelo raked his hand through his hair, swearing under his breath, and looked up to see he wasn’t alone. Ally stood in the doorway, her hand raised as if to knock.

Like last night she wore that voluminous towelling robe and like last night he had no trouble imagining her naked body beneath it.

Angelo snagged a rough breath and surged to his feet.

The sooner she had new clothes so he wasn’t constantly seeing her half-dressed, the better. He glanced at his watch. With the fine weather, Rosetta had left for the mainland and its shops early. Any time now—

‘I won’t keep you long. I’m sure you’re busy.’

Ally’s voice was crisp. He wished he felt half so businesslike around her. Instead he felt too much. It was a new and disturbing sensation.

‘Come in.’

He gestured for her to take a seat before his desk.

‘I prefer to stand.’

Jaw set, hands clasped before her and shining hair loose around her shoulders, she looked like a teenager called before the headmaster. Until he looked into her eyes and read determination.