‘He’ll come when he can. The weather’s appalling and he had another emergency to see to. But he promised to return today.’

Angelo paused, his conscience grating. Whatever else was going on, Alexahadbeen unconscious when he’d reached her. That hadn’t been a sham. The doctor had confirmed she’d had a knock to the head, advising that, for now, it was best she stay resting where she was.

Notwhat Angelo wanted!

But he couldn’t throw an injured person out into the worst storm they’d seen in years. No matter how much he despised her.

‘Is there something you need?’

That startled her. She actually jumped as if his words interrupted some deep reverie. Or as if she hadn’t expected an offer of help.

Angelo’s mouth firmed as guilt scored him. He didn’t like this woman. Didn’t trust her. But she’d been hurt and needed help.

‘Water? Something to eat?’ he persisted, watching her eyes widen and feeling annoyance rise. He wasn’t an ogre. He was simply a man protecting his sanctuary.

Sheunderstood that. He wasn’t the villain of the piece here.

‘Thank you,’ she said finally. ‘Some water would be good.’

He nodded and strode to the bedside table, lifting the jug Rosetta had left and pouring some.

‘Ah. Sorry. I didn’t see it.’ Alexa reached for the glass, carefully wrapping her fingers around the base of the glass as if intent on avoiding his touch.

Angelo’s mouth curled. Who did she think she was trying to fool?

Then he swore under his breath as he released the glass into her hold and realised too late that she was trembling. Water spilled and he only just caught the glass, and her hand, in his.

She was so unsteady it was hard to believe she faked it.

What did you expect? She was unconscious a few hours ago.

Silently Angelo cursed. He could at least have held his temper in check till a more appropriate time.

‘Here.’ He raised the glass to her lips, his hand cupping hers.

She drank greedily. This close, he became aware that the trembling wasn’t just in her hand. Her whole body shook. Did she have a fever? He put the back of his hand to her brow and heard her swift intake of breath. An instant later she moved her head away. As if she didn’t want to touch him any more than he wanted to touch her.

‘That’s enough, thanks.’

Angelo transferred the glass to the bedside table and topped it up again from the jug.

When he turned back she was sitting up against the antique carved headboard. It didn’t look comfortable.

‘Are you going to lie down again?’

Her glance ranged from him to the door and back before she answered. ‘No, I’ll sit up, thanks.’

Now that flash of energy had seeped away, she didn’t look well. Angelo hoped the doctor would be back soon. He was getting concerned about his unwanted guest.

‘Right.’ He reached over to a couple of pillows discarded onto a nearby chair. ‘Sit forward. You’ll be more comfortable with these.’

Alexa moved, not forward but to one side, her movements slow and stiff, but it was enough to make space for the pillows behind her. When she sat back her breathing was fast and her milky pallor worried him.

‘Thank you.’ It was a barely audible husky sound. Yet she didn’t look at him to see if she’d garnered sympathy. She stared across the room towards the view of the sea as if she’d never seen it before.

The fine hairs on Angelo’s nape prickled to attention. He straightened and stepped back from the bed.

She didn’t even glance in his direction. Not that he minded. Yet gut instinct stirred, telling him, as if he didn’t know it, that something was wrong. Alexa had always been hyperaware of him, alert to any little change of mood or countenance. She’d read him like a book, a fact that had chagrined him when he’d discovered how she’d abused his trust.