Were kisses always like this?

Ally’s head spun as she tried and failed to grasp at a comparison. She had none. To all intents and purposes this was her first kiss. She recalled none that had gone before, not even a hint of memory.

Surely she’d have remembered something so wonderful?

If kissing Angelo was like this, what would it be like to make love with him?

His hand caressed her cheek, cupping her jaw and angling her head for better access. Abruptly she lost her train of thought as she eddied into a whirlpool of bliss.

Her hands crept up his powerful chest and circled around his neck. His hair was short at the back, longer on top and silky to the touch.

Ally heard a sound, a gruff, low sound that dragged at her nipples and lower, at her pelvis. It took a moment to realise it was Angelo, the sound a rough growl from the back of his throat.

Delight shimmered through her and a new sense of purpose and power. For the first time since she’d woken on this island Ally felt strong, almost invincible. The sound of his desire did that to her. The proof of his hunger.

As if kissing Angelo, and discovering he shared the same need, made her feel whole. More than whole. Right.

It was the most extraordinary, unexpected feeling. And she couldn’t get enough of it.

Ally murmured encouragement against his lips as she threaded her fingers through his hair, shuffling still closer, discovering a ridge of potent hardness against her belly and—

Strong fingers settled on her upper arms and pushed her away. It took a moment to realise what was happening as she clung, limpet-like and lost in wonder.

Finally she blinked open heavy eyelids, her breathing ragged and her body feeling as if she’d run a mile. And wanted to run more.

Angelo’s eyes were so dark she couldn’t distinguish iris from pupil. He stared back intently, his hair rumpled and sexy, his lips parted and skin pulled tight over those amazing bones.

He looked like a fallen angel, dark, sensuous and utterly beguiling. Some hitherto dormant part of her brain came abruptly to life and she realised that was what his name meant.Angel. But definitely a fallen angel.

Ally sighed. If he weren’t holding her from him she’d have lifted her hands to the back of his skull and pulled his head back to hers.

As it was, it took long, long moments of gasping breaths to come down from the sensual high where he’d taken her.

Tiny shudders ran under her skin, down her thighs and between them, across her nipples and up her backbone. Every part of her quivered with what she could only assume was unsated sexual hunger.

Her gaze dropped to his mouth, his lips darker than before and parted as he too dragged in great gulps of air.

That was a relief. At least she wasn’t alone in feeling this way.

‘Is it always like this?’ Ally didn’t have time to censor the words. She needed to understand.

‘Sorry?’ Sleek dark eyebrows scrunched as if he couldn’t make sense of a simple question.

‘Between us. Is it always like this?’

Emotions flickered across his taut features. So quickly she couldn’t pin them down. Finally he shook his head. ‘It was just a kiss.’

Just a kiss?

She felt as if he’d turned her inside out. Or, more accurately, as if together they’d soared close to the sun.

His gaze shifted from hers and Ally realised he was lying. Or at least avoiding a direct answer.

‘What are you scared of, Angelo?’

Thatdragged his attention back to her. ‘Scared? Me?’

He made a scoffing noise but it wasn’t nearly as convincing as that deep-throated groan of pleasure that even now swirled in the back of her mind. It had been the most glorious sound.