‘We need to talk.’

She smoothed back her hair in a gesture that might have signalled vulnerability if it weren’t for those flashing eyes and the challenging upward hike of her chin.

‘Unless you’re in pain. If you need rest...’

See, he could be reasonable.

‘I’m fine.’

She stepped into the room and Angelo silently agreed. She looked very fine indeed. Even wrapped in that bulky robe, Alexa was more alluring than he could recall her ever being in a minuscule bikini or lacy lingerie.

Was his mind playing tricks?

Maybe it was the wholesome look that appealed, a contrast to the subtle yet ever-present make-up she’d previously worn. Alexa had always looked polished, prepared for male adulation. At first he’d enjoyed the fact she made an effort to appear her best at all times. Till he realised how fixated she was on her appearance and that there was something lacking beneath her pretty façade. She ruthlessly wielded her looks and femininity like twin blades, determined to win what she wanted at all costs.

Now, with her face bare, she looked stunningly sexy and natural. Her eyelashes were spiked and her cheeks and throat flushed as if she’d been in a hot shower just moments ago. That idea was reinforced as he watched a single drip of water slide down her jaw.

Instantly Angelo had a vision of her naked in the shower. Of water cascading lovingly over the lush body he’d caught glimpses of the last couple of days through one or other of his shirts.

It wasthatintimacy, he decided, the fact she’d been naked but for clothes he’d once worn, that skewed his thinking down this unwanted path.

‘Perhaps you’d like to sit.’ He gestured to the armchairs near the window.

Instead of accepting his invitation she shook her head. Far from looking weak, she appeared energised. ‘I’d rather you told me what you want then leave.’

Her voice was as sharp as a slap to the cheek.

Angelo’s jaw clamped but he bit back a retort. It didn’t matter if she accepted his olive branch. Still, her response rankled.

‘I want to discuss how you got here.’

Her eyes narrowed, fire glinting there as surely as if ignited with a match. It intrigued Angelo. Alexa had always previously hidden her emotions.

‘I told you I don’t remember. What part of that don’t you understand?’

His eyebrows shot up. It was unlike Alexa to show aggression. ‘Actually, I have information to share withyou.’

He folded his arms and watched her frown. She raised a hand and raked a hand back through her hair again. Did he imagine she suddenly looked fragile?

Maybe. Or maybe she was scared he’d discovered something she didn’t want uncovered.

‘I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped. I’m a bit...’ She gestured vaguely. ‘I’m not at my best.’

Angelo surveyed her for a moment then nodded. ‘I understand.’

Strangely, he did. He didn’t trust her but if she’d lost her memory totally...

‘What have you got to tell me?’

Maybe he had news that would stir recollections.

‘I think I know how you got here.’

Ally shoved her hands into the robe’s pockets and tried to find her equilibrium. The way he looked at her told her to prepare for some new blow.

What could be worse than yesterday’s revelations? She still couldn’t get her head around them.

Then there was Angelo’s patent dislike. It made her feel tainted and ashamed that anyone should dislike her so much. At the same time she resented his brutal way of sharing their past. As if he’d enjoyed shocking her.