‘Oh, my darling.’ Noah looped his arms around her and pulled her to him. Feeling her softness against him was like nothing else on earth.
But, before he could kiss her, she spoke again. ‘You wanted to know why I left you. My possible infertility was just part of it.’ She paused, her eyes dazzling as she met his look head-on. ‘The main reason was because I realised in Turkey that I’d fallen for you, hook, line and sinker. I was scared, Noah. Scared that I wanted so much more than you did. I was afraid if I stayed with you—’
This time it was Noah who stopped her words with his hand. He felt her soft lips against his fingers and the sensation sent fire streaking through him.
‘If only I’d known.’ He shook his head. ‘It was in Turkey I’d begun to realise I wouldn’t be satisfied with an affair. I was already planning to ask you to stay longer when I found you packing, determined to leave straight away. That’s why I was so savage. What I felt for you, what I still feel, is far beyond what I’ve ever experienced before.’
‘Noah, my love. I’ve been such a coward. I should have told you. You mean so much to me.’
He’d never heard anything so beautiful in his life. Or seen anything more glorious than Ilsa, looking up at him, eyes blazing with love and joy.
Tenderly, careful of this precious woman, Noah gathered her to him and kissed her gently, allowing all his adoration to show.
‘I want you more than I’d ever thought it possible to want, Ilsa. I’d give up everything else to be with you.’
Her hands anchored on his shoulders and he felt her rise on tiptoe, kissing him with a sweet insistence that healed the pain of separation.
Finally, when they pulled apart to gulp in oxygen, she spoke. ‘You don’t have to give up anything, Noah.’
‘And nor do you. Whatever it takes to make this work, I’ll do it. Maybe relocate to Europe or—’
Her lips on his tasted like paradise and he lost his train of thought. But that didn’t matter because Ilsa was here in his arms, and she loved him.
‘We’ve got all the time in the world to make those decisions, Noah.’ She paused. ‘But I’ve got one condition I do insist on.’
His head jerked back and he surveyed her through dazzled eyes. ‘Name it.’
His groin tightened as she pouted and lifted her hand to the buttons of his shirt. ‘I’d like a tour of your home. Specifically, the master bedroom. It’s been ages...’
‘But in your condition—’
‘The doctor didn’t put a ban on sex, you know. And I’ve missed you so very much.’
For answer Noah swept her up into his arms but his laughter faded as he looked down into her dear face.
‘I love you, Ilsa. Whatever the future brings, I’ll always love you. I’ll strive to make you happy.’
‘You already do, Noah. So much I feel like my heart might burst.’
‘You took the words out of my mouth, sweetheart.’ Then he strode to the door and the beginning of their life together.
‘THEVENUEISjust as spectacular as I remember from last time.’
Ilsa’s mother smiled as she stared through the soaring windows of the Sydney Opera House. Beyond, the harbour stretched like midnight silk towards the bridge, proudly illuminated against a dusk sky of neon pink edging to indigo.
Beside her Joanne Carson nodded and sipped her wine. ‘The old Coat hanger still looks good, doesn’t it? One of my uncles used to be a rigger up there, decades ago.’
‘A rigger?’
The pair were soon engrossed in stories about work on the iconic bridge, and Ilsa felt that warm glow she’d experienced the day her mother and Noah’s had met and immediately struck up a friendship.
Around them theatregoers were dressed in everything from evening finery to more casual yet dressy outfits. Some had recognised their group, craning to get a better view. A visit to Sydney by the King and Queen of Altbourg was seriously newsworthy. Plus the press never seemed to tire of photos of Noah, Ilsa and their son.
But the intense, almost breathless reporting of their romance had eased since their wedding in Altbourg’s main cathedral last year and then little Oliver’s birth.
Ilsa glanced at the familiar suited security officer just beyond her mother and mother-in-law. And then across to Jake, Noah’s cousin, on her other side. He nodded and grinned. He’d confessed that the first time he’d attended a ballet in his security role he’d expected to hate it. But now he had a newfound appreciation for the athleticism and artistry involved.