‘I haven’t had a chance to catch you in person. I wanted to double check. That instruction about personal calls still stands, doesn’t it?’ She leaned closer. ‘No unsolicited private calls from women you haven’t mentioned to me.’

‘Oh, that. Yes, it still stands.’

Noah had learned to screen calls from women claiming to know him. Some were convinced that because he’d smiled at them in passing it was an invitation for an affair. The number who’d spun lies to his staff in the hope of getting access to him never failed to amaze.

His thoughts shot to Ilsa, the one woman hewantedto see. To the husky sound of her voice when she said his name. To the lilt of her laughter he’d missed so much. To her blank stare as she’d rejected him.

Pain clawed his belly.

But he’d resolve this soon, because seeing her again was a necessity.

He’d given her time but couldn’t wait any longer. He’d engineered an invitation from her father. Did she know about that? It would give him the opportunity to see her in her own setting, get to the bottom of whatever stood between them, and prove to her that she needed him as much as he needed her.

He dragged his mind back to Bree. ‘You know I don’t have patience for time-wasters.’

‘It’s just...’ Bree paused. ‘I’ve taken some calls and I’m not sure if she counts as a stranger. Princess Ilsa of Altbourg.’

Ilsa? Calling his Sydney headquarters?

Shock slammed into him.

And something else. Excitement.

The woman bamboozled him. Undid him completely. She’d used and discarded him without a second glance. Yet they’d had searing hot sex in a bathroom because she’d wanted him every bit as much as he wanted her. Neither had been able to wait to get horizontal on a bed.

The two actions didn’t make sense together.

Nor could he easily lump her in the same category as Poppy. He’dswearshe was different.

‘When?’ His voice scraped from a suddenly constricted throat. ‘When did she call?’

‘This morning. And yesterday.’ Bree’s wide eyes betrayed that she wasn’t used to seeing her boss agitated.

Noah ran a hand through his hair, scraping his fingertips hard across his scalp, trying to get his blood pumping and his mind working. He felt dazed.

Why would Ilsa contact him now?

His heart gave a great leap and he scowled.

Instantly Bree shook her head. ‘Okay, boss. I get the message. No calls from the Princess.’

Noah yanked a deep breath into his lungs. ‘Did she say anything? What she wanted? Where she was?’

‘Just that she wanted to arrange a meeting.’

Noah rocked back on his heels. A meeting? Not just a phone call? She didn’t have his private number, as he didn’t have hers. There’d been no need. They’d met and been inseparable.

His pulse quickened. If she wanted to meet, was she in Australia, or coming here? But what about those royal commitments that mattered so much?

Excitement scudded down his backbone.

‘Don’t worry, Noah. I’ll fob her off if she calls again.’

‘No!’ Bree’s eyes widened at his tone. ‘If she calls put her through. And get her number.’

Ilsa watched the suburban houses blur through the bus window and tried to tell herself she wasn’t being foolish hoping her news might change things between them. Would having a child together unlock tender feelings in Noah?

She bit her lip. Of course it was crazy. Even if Noah hadn’t found another woman in the time they’d been apart, even if he was happy about the baby, didn’t mean his feelings for her would alter.