But, instead of being deterred, he leaned closer. ‘It’s important, Ilsa.’
This close to him, she inhaled the spicy scent of his flesh. No other man smelled as good as Noah Carson. Dully she wondered if any man ever would.
Ilsa’s heart skittered into an uneven beat, pounding high in her throat. Because the way Noah looked at her, with that searing intensity, told her she was his sole focus.
She tried and failed to rein in excitement.
What did he want to tell her?
Why the heat in his gaze? Was she imagining it? Attributing desire where there was none? Maybe he was simply about to announce his withdrawal from the business scheme in Altbourg.
But then, why the need for privacy?
‘I’m not sure that—’
Someone bumped into her. At the same time she felt liquid splash her jacket.
‘Sorry!’ said a man’s voice.
She looked down to see a massive patch of crimson on the pale raw silk of her jacket, dribbling down onto her skirt. A stranger stood beside her looking sheepish, an empty wine glass in his hand. She recognised him from the conference. Behind him a crowed of attendees were chatting over drinks.
‘Here, Ilsa.’
Noah grabbed a napkin from a passing waiter and passed it to her. Their fingers tangled and heat shimmied through her.
He’d barely touched her, yet she felt it like a caress. Was she really so needy?
Despite everything, the answer wasYes.
While Ilsa dabbed at the stains, Noah said something to the man whose wine had spilled. The stranger apologised again and turned away. Then Noah moved closer, tall and broad enough to block her from the rest of the room. Sheltering her from curious eyes?
The action didn’t fit with the angry man she’d left in Turkey. But today Noah was less like that suspicious man and more like the one she’d fallen in love with.
The realisation made all those emotions she tried to suppress rise to the surface. ‘It really is time I left.’
‘Please, Ilsa.’ His voice, deep and full of sensual allure, stopped her. ‘There’s something you really need to hear. And you can clean up at the same time.’ He paused. ‘The paparazzi are outside, covering the hotel entrance. It looked like they were waiting for someone.’
Ilsa sighed. ‘Just what I need.’
If they saw her covered with wine stains they’d spin stories about her drinking too much.
Ilsa had promised her mother there’d be no more scandal. She didn’t intend to add to her family’s concern. Besides, she was planning some important initiatives. It would be easier to get people to buy into them and achieve her goals if her reputation wasn’t the stuff of lurid press reports.
Noah held out his arm. It was such a familiar gesture. Ilsa wanted to lean into him and pretend, just for a minute, that they were still together.
No matter how she tried to ignore it, the air between them was thick with awareness. Her pulse thrummed too fast and between her legs moisture bloomed as every feminine part of her body reacted.
Because this was Noah, the man to whom she’d lost part of herself.
Ilsa forced a tight smile. ‘Okay. I’ll clean this and we can talk.’
That sounded simultaneously exciting and terrifying.
NOAHLEDHERacross the foyer, holding her close at his side and masking the stains.
Her breath shuddered out then snatched in so hard it hurt her lungs. Having Noah so near, feeling the heat of his body, the press of those strong limbs against her... She felt as unsteady as if she’d spent the afternoon drinking Schnapps instead of listening to presentations.