She leaned forward, hands to his shoulders, breasts against his chest, and planted her mouth on his. The angle of his penetration changed and they were now body to body. Noah clamped one hand to her buttocks, the other to the back of her head, as he took her body and her mouth with thrust after delicious thrust.
Ilsa’s moans were music. The restless circling of her hips the most potent aphrodisiac.
After two stunning climaxes he should be sated and lazy. Instead Noah was as desperate as the first time.
She writhed against him, all slender, sinuous femininity. He felt her quiver, her muscles tugging him, then suddenly there it was, like a freight train slamming over the horizon and straight at him.
Noah nipped at her lip, thrusting high and hard till she shuddered and convulsed around him, the sweetest torture of all. He swallowed her hoarse cry that might have been his name. Then the world smashed apart in a blast of white-hot light and pleasure as he pumped his seed deep and hard.
When his mind worked again, Noah realised sex with Ilsa was the best he’d had. And it got better each time.
Why her? How couldperfectkeep improving?
Ilsa posed so many questions. Each hour with her seemed to increase his curiosity.
Just as well he had weeks to discover some answers. He sensed it would be hard to walk away until he had unravelled all her mysteries.
Ilsa wrapped her arms around him, smiling in a way that made the sun seem to shine brighter. He drew her close in the shade of the trees near the ancient amphitheatre.
‘What for?’
‘Everything! This has been the most amazing day. The most amazing trip.’
Her eyes blazed bright blue, which he knew was a sure sign of happiness. He found it almost as attractive as the misty silver shine when rapture took her.
A familiar ripple snaked through Noah’s belly, heading for his groin. He only had to think about sex with Ilsa to want her again.
Their desire for each other showed no sign of fading as they spent more time together. In fact, it seemed to build as familiarity deepened their connection.
‘Amazing because we’ve seen lots of ruins?’
Today was a case in point. They’d come ashore and headed high up to the ruined city of Priene, perched below soaring cliffs and surrounded by pines that scented the air. The place was deserted and magical, and he was glad to be here with Ilsa.
‘You really don’t mind, do you?’
For a second Noah managed to keep a poker face, then he grinned. ‘I’ve enjoyed it all. Who’d have guessed scrambling over blocks of stone would be such fun?’
Seeing the old cities through Ilsa’s eyes was a treat as well as an education.
They’d explored the grassy hillock of Troy, dotted with blood-red poppies, and she’d told him stories of the Trojan War and the archaeological discoveries made there. Further south they’d visited Pergamum and Ephesus, where he’d walked streets and visited homes erected thousands of years before.
Inland at Pamukkale they’d swum among fallen marble columns and soaked in warm thermal waters.
In between they’d feasted on wonderful food, met interesting people and spent days doing nothing more onerous than swimming off the yacht and having sex. Lots of sex.
‘It’s the best holiday I’ve ever had,’ she murmured.
‘Me too.’
Not that he’d had many. He’d spent years working every waking hour and though he travelled the globe, it was for business. His sexual liaisons were pleasurable but very short-term. He didn’t take vacations with lovers.
Ilsa sighed. ‘I could do this for ever.’
She leaned against his chest and he was surprised at his response. As if he too wanted to hold this moment and never let it go.