The need was selfish, because his hunger for her wouldn’t be sated quickly. There was another element too. He respected her and wanted to help her, cushion her against the blows fate had dealt.
Had he ever felt that way about a woman? Somehow this didn’t feel like a normal short-term affair. Unease flickered but he ignored it.
‘You have time to do that? You had to work earlier.’
Noah had taken the video call instead of delegating because he’d needed some space from Ilsa.
‘That was a one-off. I’m taking a break, remember?’ He kept in touch with key staff, but with each passing day he relished his unaccustomed freedom. And his time with Ilsa. Deliberately he slid his hands across her silky skin. ‘And we’ve got a lot of exploring to do.’ He dipped one hand to her buttocks, pulling her against his growing erection.
So much for giving her time to recuperate.
Her breath caught. ‘I like the sound of that.’
A tide of heat engulfed Noah as Ilsa wriggled into a more comfortable position over him. More comfortable for her. For him, it was torture of the most exquisite kind and a reminder that, despite her inexperience, they were equals in passion.
Everything about this woman, the shape of her body, the scent of her skin, the caress of her hair, even the way her mind worked, attracted him.
Noah’s hands tightened on her hips. ‘How tired are you, Ilsa?’
Her smoky gaze caught his. ‘Not at all.’ For good measure she rubbed herself against him. Slowly. Against his engorged arousal.
Noah shuddered and clamped her to him, lifting his rump off the bed as he slid against the slick folds between her thighs. ‘You’re a quick learner.’
‘Does that mean I get a gold star?’ Her cheeky grin faded as he cupped her breast, rubbing his thumb hard over her nipple so she gasped, thrusting towards him.
‘You get whatever you like, sweetheart.’
‘I want more.’ She didn’t sound so cocky now. Her voice was gratifyingly breathless.
‘And I’m just the man to give you what you want.’ If she’d said she was sore or tired he’d have had an ice bath. ‘Reach over and get a condom.’
Even that was deliciously arousing as she stretched across him then sat straddling his thighs, a frown of concentration on her face as she tore off the wrapper.
‘Can I do it?’
Touch him there? Absolutely!
He nodded then gritted his teeth on a hiss of breath as she fumbled it on.
Noah arched his head back against the pillow and tried to calculate mathematical square roots in his head. He didn’t get far. Ilsa turned a necessary task into seduction. By the time she’d finished sweat had popped out across his brow and upper lip and he was rigid with the effort of holding back.
Slim fingers encircled him and slid slowly up.
‘Do you like it like that or—?’
‘I like it. But not now.’ He was too close. Opening his eyes, he caught delight on her face. Time to turn the tables.
Noah removed Ilsa’s fingers from around him and caught her other hand in his, then moulded both to her breasts. Surprise flashed in those blue-grey eyes, then understanding as he dipped his hand between her legs, slipping straight to her clitoris. She jerked against his hand and her fingers pressed against her soft breasts, her head arching back.
She was indescribably alluring. So sexy he wasn’t sure he could last long enough to ensure her pleasure as he urged her further up his body.
‘Lift up on your knees.’ Finally she was there, poised above his erection. Ilsa didn’t wait for more instructions. She lowered herself and Noah felt the glide of taut, wet flesh surround him.
It was too much. He surged higher, hands anchored to her hips, securing her against him.
She felt so good he never wanted to let her go.
‘Touch me, Ilsa.’ The sight of her cupping her breasts and moving against him, her eyes a silvery blaze, was incredibly arousing. But Noah needed more of their connection.