‘It was an honour, being your first.’ It sounded old-fashioned and he’d never thought about that sort of thing. But knowing he was the first man Ilsa had given herself to, the first she’d wanted and trusted with her body... It made him feel remarkable.

‘You’re wondering why I took so long to have sex.’

He tried to read her expression but couldn’t. For the first time since Ilsa had walked into his world Noah felt uncomfortable and unhappy at the sudden distance between them.

It was crazy. He didn’t need to know her every thought. Yet with him she wasn’t the polite Princess who masked her thoughts. He’d grown accustomed to a bright, sexy woman who was both fun-loving and serious, who didn’t feel the need to hide herself.

‘I’m curious, but it’s no one’s business but yours.’

Noah planted his palm across her wandering fingers and held them flat against his pounding chest.

Was she so unaware that she didn’t know what she did to him with those beguiling caresses? Being naked in bed with Ilsa was testing enough.

‘I like that you’re not nosy,’ she said suddenly. ‘Lots of people think my life and thoughts should be an open book because of who my father is. As if I don’t have a right to privacy.’

Noah had grown tired of media speculation about him since he’d become rich and successful. What would it be like, facing the limelight from birth?

‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ he murmured.

‘It’s not your fault.’ Her eyes held his and he wondered if he saw wistfulness there. ‘Staying a virgin wasn’t deliberate. It just happened that way.’

Despite his determination not to be curious he couldn’t prevent a stare of surprise. ‘There must have been plenty of men pursuing you.’

She was warm-hearted as well as attractive, plus her social standing would draw many.

‘Fewer than you’d think, especially since I live in the media spotlight. As you know, it’s tricky, keeping a relationship private. Plus a lot of people are daunted by the idea of royalty, or can’t see past the title.’

It was something she’d said before. That she wasn’t just her title.

‘How could anyone miss the vivacious woman behind the royal name?’

The flash of warmth in Ilsa’s eyes spoke of delight and gratitude. Of a woman unused to personal compliments. How could that be?

‘Some men aren’t interested in the woman if they think the title can get them what they want.’

No mistaking her bitterness. Noah’s jaw clenched as he realised she spoke from personal experience.

‘You look so fierce.’

He worked to wipe his face clear of anger. ‘Sorry.’

Ilsa inched closer. ‘Don’t be. I like that you’re angry for me.’ She paused. ‘Even when I can fight my own battles, it’s good to feel someone’s on my side.’

A giant fist crushed Noah’s lungs as he imagined her, alone, pitted against men who wanted her for her status.

‘For what it’s worth, a man would have to be a moron to value your title instead of you.’

Her arrested look revealed volumes. He wanted to scoop her close and tell her no one would hurt her again. As if he had that power. As if she’d cede that right to him.

‘You really are nice, Noah.’

His brows rose atnice, but he couldn’t cavil when she regarded him so warmly.

‘Ididfall for someone when I was in my teens. He swept me off my feet, or tried to.’ Her mouth twisted. ‘I was smitten and believed he was the love of my life. My parents weren’t convinced and organised a holiday-cum-diplomatic tour with my mother. We were in North America for a month.’

She paused, her lips thinning. ‘When we got home he’d gone. He’d tried to pressure me into bed and into an engagement, but he didn’t even wait a month. Maybe he knew my parents had his measure.’

‘You must have been heartbroken.’ Noah’s hand curled into a fist. He’d met some miserable excuses for men, but to take advantage of a teenager’s romantic dreams...