Her hand tightened on the key.

It was ridiculous to be nervous. Except this was new territory. Her one previous foray into romance hadn’t been consummated.

Yet surely this was the most natural thing in the world. A man and woman drawn to each other.

She’d wanted Noah from the moment she’d seen him.

Her desire had only strengthened as she got to know him. There was so much to admire. He kept his word, he cared about others, not just himself. He noticed, listened, encouraged. He was fun and charming and...

He had the most fantastic body. Those hard, shifting muscles, powerful limbs and taut backside. The determined chin. That mobile, laughing mouth that promised all sorts of delight.

She wanted to rip his clothes off and quench the empty ache deep inside.

‘You’re ready?’

Noah’s voice was hot treacle over gravel, making her shudder and sending a spike of sensation straight to the apex of her thighs. She shifted her weight, feeling tell-tale moisture as her body softened there.

Yet he didn’t move. Instead his broad brow knotted.

Was it possible he’d changed his mind? Ilsa had spent ages bathing and primping. Had she got it wrong?

Suddenly she felt overdressed in silk and heels. She’d scoured her wardrobe for something sexy. This dress, like the sequinned one, had been an impulse buy in Monaco. She’d thought both said fun and carefree. But maybe it was too plain. She wished she owned a black lace negligee.

‘I’m ready.’ She lifted her chin. ‘If you are, Noah.’ She stepped forward then stopped, amazed to find her knees wobbling.

Suddenly Noah was there, right before her.

His hands circled her upper arms supportively. ‘Are you okay?’

Ilsa read concern in his voice. Yet he looked at her with hot eyes that made her think of summer seas and searing sex. Hehadn’tchanged his mind. He’d simply responded to her tension.

A slow smile curved her lips and she watched his gaze drop to her mouth. ‘I’ve never felt better.’

Ilsa was surprised that her legs could feel weak when the rest of her coursed with energy as if she’d been zapped by an electric current. She swallowed and circled her dry mouth with the tip of her tongue.

Something flickered in Noah’s eyes that made her heart leap. He released her arms and instead wrapped his arms around her, pulling her hard against him.

Yes! Glorious sensations bombarded her from breast to knee. She slid her arms over his shoulders, tilting her head to his as she strained closer.

His lips, she discovered, were cool and surprisingly soft, covering her mouth lightly in a caress that didn’t feel tentative but tender.

The impression lasted just long enough for her to identify it. Then one large hand rose to the back of her skull, holding her as Noah angled his head for better access and plunged deep into her mouth.

Ilsa gasped and held on tight as gentle and questing became demanding. Her breasts peaked and fire roared in her veins as she pressed against him and devoured him right back.

She hadn’t kissed since her teens and eagerness made her clumsy. Plus the fact that the kisses in her past hadn’t prepared her for Noah’s unbridled passion. The passion they shared. She was on fire and the only way to put it out was incinerating herself in the conflagration he’d ignited inside her.

Ilsa’s nose bumped Noah’s and she grazed his tongue with her teeth. But, instead of pulling back, he shuddered, his hold tightening as a low growl emanated from his throat.

He liked it. And the sound of his approval ratcheted up her own urgency.

She slid her tongue against his, bolder now, giving herself up to the magic they made. When she used her teeth again he planted both hands on her and lifted her up so she felt his erection right where she needed him.

Ilsa tilted her hips, desperate for more. Hunger was a consuming force, taking over her whole body.

Her fingers speared his soft hair as their kiss accelerated into blazing intensity. Her chest heaved, her heart hammering, but she needed his mouth on hers. She couldn’t break away, even to breathe.

Until Noah pulled his head back, surveying her through narrowed, glittering eyes.