‘Four dozen?’ He swung his head around and leaned closer. ‘Plans for a big family?’ he murmured.
Ilsa stiffened. Then he decided he’d imagined it as she rolled her eyes at him before giving the vendor a shipping address. The children’s ward in an Altbourg hospital.
Noah sat back.
She spent her holiday buying gifts for sick kids.
It was a thoughtful, personal gesture. Ilsa could have asked a staff member to organise presents but she’d done it herself. It wasn’t just the buying, it was thinking about those children during a time that was supposed to be just for her.
Noah’s chest constricted as if a balloon inflated behind his ribs. It took a moment to recognise the sensation. Pride. For a woman who really cared.
Five minutes later they were outside. Noah braced himself for more shopping. But Ilsa insisted he choose their next destination.
The Yerabatan Cistern was an ancient underground reservoir held up by hundreds of towering marble columns. They strolled in the half-darkness on raised walkways, strategic lighting turning the shallow water below them to shot silk. It was amazing and atmospheric.
‘How did you know about this place?’ Ilsa murmured, shifting closer as they surveyed an enormous stone Medusa head at the base of a column. The fact that the monumental head, with carved snakes in its hair, was upside down, made the blank eyes strangely disturbing.
Noah gave up resisting temptation. He roped his arm around Ilsa, his hand on her cool arm. Immediately two things happened. His hold tightened instinctively and she leaned in, making his heart thud.
He wanted to wrap both arms around her, pull her between his legs and ease the ache in his groin. He wanted to set his mouth on hers, as he’d been desperate to do from the moment he’d seen her sitting, prim and ridiculously seductive, at that charity lunch.
She turned, her chin lifting, and he sucked in air, ready to kiss her.
‘Noah? How did you discover this? It’s amazing.’
He fought the urge to kiss her till her blood caught fire like his. Except, once stoked, there’d be only one way to quench that fire. Besides, the gloom might screen other visitors, but didn’t guarantee privacy.
Noah usually ignored the press but he knew a public airing of Ilsa’s personal life had hurt her before. The press was already breathless with speculation about them. He wouldn’t draw further attention.
Noah drew a tight breath and fought for control. ‘Would you believe I saw this place in a film?’
Her lips curved up and it hit him, again, that she had a sweet smile. As well as a full, passionate mouth. He wanted those lips on him, all over him. He wanted—
‘I can believe it. What a great setting.’
A flash exploded from behind a nearby column. It was probably some amateur photographer trying to catch the grandeur of the place. But it was a timely reminder.
Noah stepped away, ignoring an internal roar of protest.
‘It’s time we left.’ This had to stop. He made a show of looking at his watch. ‘I have a video conference.’
One he’d only just decided to accept, to put some distance between them.
Yet, even as he decided to accept the invitation, it felt like a mistake. Not because it was bad business; it sounded like an exciting opportunity. But because he’d rather spend the rest of the day with Ilsa.
‘Oh. Of course.’
Was that disappointment? Ilsa’s expression gave nothing away. Perversely, that annoyed him.
‘Perhaps I’ll come too.’
Perhaps? Why had he supposed she’d return with him? It stunned Noah how uncomfortable he felt at the idea of her wandering the city without him. The security staff would protect her but he wanted her near him, even as he tried to stay sane by putting space between them.
What did that say about his state of mind? He wasn’t accustomed to such possessiveness.
Noah ran his hand through his hair, ignoring the sudden prickle of dampness at his hairline. It was just sexual frustration, magnifying desire so it felt like something else.
Ilsa put her hand on his arm. ‘Since you mention business, there was something I forgot to ask. Might you be interested in a project in Altbourg? My father heard about a project you’re planning in France and is very enthusiastic...’