‘It is.’ The scents hit him. A thousand flavours mingling and filling the air. Beneath the high, arched roof was a kaleidoscope of colours.
Already Ilsa was browsing a shop display. Cones of brightly coloured spices. Open sacks revealing blends of teas, peppercorns, whole spices and nuts.
‘What are you shopping for?’
‘I’m just exploring. Though that tea with the dried rosebuds looks intriguing. I know someone who’d love that.’
They investigated every part of the market. Noah wasn’t renowned for his patience with shopping, but this was different.
Watching Ilsa’s face light on discovering some new delicacy was a treat. Hearing her banter with stallholders, basking in her vibrant warmth as she turned to include him in the conversation was actually...fun.
She had asked him what made him happy and he’d instantly thought of his family. Now, remarkably, Noah realised being with Ilsa came close.
They hadn’t even slept together. He was in permanent discomfort, on the edge of arousal. He should be climbing the walls with frustration and resentment, and it was true his nights were a torture of unfulfilled erotic dreams. Surely tomorrow...
‘Are you okay, Noah?’ She turned to him with a big package of Turkish delight in her hands.
He took the package and tucked it under his arm. ‘Why wouldn’t I be?’
She frowned at the package as if about to insist she carry it, then shrugged. ‘Because I’ve kept you here. Are you bored?’
‘Surprisingly, no. It’s been a revelation.’
Shimmering blue-grey eyes considered him as she smiled. ‘It’s marvellous, isn’t it?’
‘Absolutely.’ Noah wasn’t thinking of the market but her. He slid his hand beneath her elbow. Because he couldn’tnottouch her. ‘When are you going to eat all these sweets?’
He’d seen her delight at breakfast when she’d found rose petal jelly and a pitcher of fresh cherry juice along with bread and an array of savoury foods. But, despite her sweet tooth, Ilsa didn’t have the body of a woman who overindulged.
She had a slender waist and long, lithe legs, her curves just the right size to tantalise...
‘It’s not for me. There are people in Altbourg who’ll love them.’ She paused. ‘Now, where would you like to go?’
Noah shook his head. ‘It’s your first visit. You choose.’
‘Really?’ She hesitated. ‘There’s something else I’ve heard about that I’d like to buy, if you’ll brave the Grand Bazaar.’
‘As long as you appreciate what a sacrifice more shopping will be.’
She leaned close, her breast pressing his arm and shooting fire to his groin. Her light scent of bergamot and warm feminine skin hit his sense receptors like a promise of endless pleasure. ‘I promise to reward you.’
Noah firmed his grip on her arm, wanting so much more.
‘I’ll hold you to that,’ he growled.
She blinked, eyes widening. Was that excitement he saw, or nerves? No, Ilsa wasn’t nervous. Her body told its own tale of thwarted longing.
‘I’ll look forward to it. Meanwhile, lunch is on me.’
Instead of a posh restaurant, they grazed on delicious street food, Ilsa ordering enough for the security professionals he’d thought she hadn’t even noticed. But then she’d have had such teams around her from birth. Her world was so different, even with his success and fortune as equalisers.
Their visit to the Grand Bazaar passed quickly, though it was an endless Aladdin’s cave. It was crammed with shops boasting everything from leather goods to ceramics, metalwork, carpets, lamps and ornaments.
Soon they were seated, drinking apple tea while Ilsa inspected quaint leather slippers topped with brightly striped satin. Their upturned toes made them look like something from anArabian Nightsillustration.
Noah was distracted by a woman two shops away who raised her phone in their direction. He couldn’t protect Ilsa from every photographer, though he’d like to. Already there’d been plenty of speculation about them.
‘Perfect. I’ll take four dozen in the full range of children’s sizes.’