The discomfort was worse now, a dull ache circling to her lower back to round off the tight, sharp fist of pain low in her abdomen.
Ilsa sucked in her breath and stood straighter, fighting the urge to hunch over.
‘I don’t understand.’ Something flickered in his eyes that she couldn’t read. ‘Is it something I said?’
‘No, nothing like that.’ If anything, she liked him even more following his disclosures. How could shenotbe drawn to a man who got his kicks out of time with his nephew? Whose life goal wasn’t making money, but enjoying family and the rewards that came from challenging himself?
He stepped nearer, tugging his hands free, and again the air between them snapped and sizzled with awareness.
Ilsa wanted to snuggle close, ask if he’d stay in port until she was over this inconvenience. But that was asking too much. Besides, she didn’t want to blurt out the humdrum reason she couldn’t be his lover. Maybe it was pride or prudishness, but this felt too personal to disclose. She’d rather he remembered her as alluring and mysterious.
‘It’s your prerogative to change your mind, but at least tell me why.’
His gaze bored into hers and she felt it right down to her bones. He was right. He deserved an explanation.
Ilsa was a naturally private person and her royal training had accentuated that tendency. But she had already shared so much, things she’d never imagined sharing with a stranger.
Besides, Noah didn’t feel like a stranger.
She drew a slow breath and shrugged. ‘My period has started and I’ll be spending the night curled up with a hot-water bottle to battle stomach cramps.’
Noah stared, stunned, into her lovely face. Despite her attempt at a wry smile, he read distress in her too-bright eyes. And—he saw it now—pain in the pinch of her nostrils and the pucker of her forehead.
Then her shoulders hunched on a silent gasp and her hand went to her belly, as it had through their game of question and answer.
‘Why didn’t you tell me straight away?’ Her apparent rejection had made him wonder if he’d misjudged her. If she might be another privileged woman who liked to play games.
She shook her head. ‘It’s not something I usually discuss.’
He heard it in her voice now too. She was breathing through pain and he hated that.
‘What can I do?’
Misty blue eyes met his, startled. ‘Nothing. I’ve taken something for the pain. I just have to ride it out till the medication starts working.’
Meanwhile she looked in no fit state to return to her hotel. Her brow looked damp and to his dismay he realised she was shivering.
Noah moved swiftly, lifting her into his arms before she had a chance to do more than gasp, then marching to a nearby sofa.
‘What are you doing?’
Her shoes thudded to the floor as she grabbed hold of him. Noah sat down, cradling her across his lap, trying not to think about how perfectly she fitted his embrace and how his body clamoured for hers.
He looked at the sexy shoes tumbled on the floor rather than the sexy woman in his arms and worked on stifling his physical response. It was harder than he’d imagined, but nor did he like to imagine watching her walk away from him, especially when she was in pain.
‘You’re hurting.’ He cradled her closer, leaning back so she tipped towards his body. ‘And I’m comforting you. I don’t know anything about period pain but I remember breaking a bone as a kid and waiting for the painkillers to kick in. My mum held me in her arms and it helped.’
She didn’t say anything but after a moment he felt her shudder.
Was she getting worse? He tilted his head to see her face and discovered her crystal-bright eyes welling, her mouth a crooked line.
Something in his chest tumbled hard against his ribs. ‘Ilsa? Is the pain worse? Do you need a doctor?’
She shook her head and a strand of light gold hair slipped across her bare shoulder. He watched her slender throat work then she blinked, clearing her eyes and offering a ghost of a smile.
Heat exploded inside him. Strangely he’d swear it had nothing to do with sex or the feel of her soft body against his. But everything to do with her smile and that sense of connection, just like when they’d sat side by side on the darkened deck, sharing confidences.
‘You’re right,’ she said eventually, her suddenly husky voice catching at something inside him. ‘Being held helps. I’ve never...’ She paused. ‘Thank you, Noah.’