Occasionally in the past a customer had, misinterpreting her professional friendliness for something else. Why was it that tonight she almost wished this man had?
Because tonight her professional smiles hid an awful emptiness. Because she felt alone, rebuffed, even betrayed by her family.
Because this man made her feel something powerful and different. As if they knew each other, despite being strangers.
Aurélie slammed a lid on such frivolous thoughts. Frivolity had no place in her life.
‘You can’t think here. You’ll freeze,’ she said briskly, taking another step closer.
His eyes were fixed on her but something about his expression told her his thoughts were elsewhere.
‘Where’s your coat?’
He shrugged. ‘In the car, I suppose.’
‘Which is where?’
He nodded towards the lake in the distance. ‘In the underground car park.’
‘Okay then, where are you staying tonight?’
‘Staying?’ Then, as if surfacing from deep water, he shook his head and drew a deep breath. ‘I’m not sure. I was going to drive on after dinner but I had no real plans.’
‘You’ve been drinking. You can’t drive any further tonight in case you cause an accident.’
His reaction shocked her. A great shudder ran through him and he put out a hand to the wall beside him as if needing its support. He said something under his breath that Aurélie couldn’t catch but she didn’t miss the note of searing anguish.
She’d been right. Something was wrong.
Closing the gap between them she briefly touched his hand. Ice-cold. This close she saw the way he shook.
‘Are you sick?’
‘No. Just cold.’ He sounded surprised and she wondered if he even realised how long he’d stood out here.
‘Have you taken drugs?’
‘Of course not!’ He straightened away from the wall, suddenly taller and more alert. ‘I don’t do drugs.’ His voice was more normal too, as if he’d surfaced from whatever place his thoughts had led him.
Aurélie weighed her options, knowing her friends would tell her not to do what she was going to. Thatshe’dadvise any friend in similar circumstances to walk away. Yet she couldn’t. Not tonight. Not with him.
It was inexplicable but she knew this was right.
‘Come with me.’ She turned on her heel.
‘To my place.’
‘YOUCANHAVEa hot drink and warm up and we’ll find you a safe place to stay.’
Lucien forced his stiff legs to work and followed her quick steps down the narrow pedestrian street.
He wasn’t used to taking orders. Usually he was the one giving them. Tonight though, his heart was full of grief. His mind was buffeted by the complete derailment of his life. By the problems awaiting him in Vallort. It was simpler to let this woman issue her instructions.
Yes, a hot drink. He hadn’t realised how cold he was. He couldn’t feel his feet and his cheeks and ears felt frozen.