‘Keep your eyes open, Aurélie. Look at us.’
Through the open dressing room door she saw their reflection. She looked utterly wanton, naked and spreading herself to his touch. Her legs were wide across his thighs, his hand teasing her clitoris as she rocked against him. Her inner muscles spasmed at the picture they made, his face looming behind her, taut with primal hunger.
‘Lift up, sweetheart, and let me in.’
Aurélie rose then sank slowly, savouring the thick thrust of his erection, piercing deep. She shuddered as he shifted and ripples of arousal spread.
He moved again, urging her up. She rose then fell again, harder this time, and sensation rioted through her. In the mirror she watched his hands cup her breasts as he grazed her neck with his teeth and pinched her nipples. Aurélie jerked forward, needing friction, and his hand was there again, rubbing while he filled her from behind, pushing hard and insistent till everything exploded in a desperate rush to ecstasy.
She heard him shout, felt his teeth on her flesh, his thrusting weight fill her to the limit, and rapture took them both.
An age later he spoke. She was too spent even to open her eyes, just lolled against him, not wanting to move.
‘You didn’t want to marry for our child’s sake, Aurélie, but there are bonuses, don’t you agree?’
Her eyes opened then to see herself spread, boneless, across his big frame, his grin one of satiation.
Sex was a bonus, not some spiritual connection. They would marry for their child’s sake. Clear and simple.
So much for her pathetic hopes.
Lucien looked across the glittering crowd to his fiancée and fought a frown.
It had been a good night. Josephine’s parties were always terrific, with interesting people and engaging conversation. Aurélie had fitted in beautifully and appeared to enjoy herself. They’d drifted apart after she’d insisted he didn’t have to stay by her side all night.
Funny how that had struck a jarring note. Hewantedto be with her. But seeing her conversing with various guests, her smile engaging, he knew she’d been right. He couldn’t be by her side all the time, no matter how much he wanted to be. She needed to forge some relationships of her own.
Yet he’d felt unsettled since they’d left the castle. They’d had stupendous sex and Aurélie had been suitably dazzled by his gift. She wore it now with a strappy beaded dress that caressed her curves and glittered when she moved. She looked a million dollars.
Yet something wasn’t right. Despite her smiles this evening. Despite the passion. He thought back to the scene in his bedroom and how, even as they’d shared that awesome climax, he’d felt a change in her. A shift away from him.
It was impossible. Two people couldn’t get closer than they’d been. He’dfeltit, damn it! He’d fought for weeks to break down Aurélie’s barriers and thought he’d succeeded. Now he wasn’t sure.
The strange thing was that, while he’d tried to dismantle those barriers, she’d sneaked under his guard and made him feel things he hadn’t thought possible. He knew the acute ache that came from losing loved ones and had guarded his emotions, wary of feeling too much. He’d been spectacularly unsuccessful.
Tuning out the conversation around him, he narrowed his gaze on his fiancée. She looked pale and there were tiny vertical lines on her brow.
Excusing himself, he crossed the room, his hand sliding around her elbow. She was trembling and instantly leaned into his hold.
‘Will you excuse us?’ Without waiting for an answer, Lucien led her from the room, his arm around her waist.
‘What is it?’ he asked when they were alone. ‘Morning sickness?’
‘No, I—’ Her breath hissed and her hand went to her abdomen. ‘I need the bathroom.’
Quickly he shepherded her there then paced the corridor, staring at but not seeing the artwork on the walls. Instead he saw the downward tug of Aurélie’s lips as if she were in pain.
She’d be okay. Of course she would. Perhaps the finger food hadn’t agreed with her. Yet he paced again, too restless to settle. His nape prickled and apprehension blocked his gullet.
Finally the bathroom door cracked open. Lucien was there in two strides. His blood chilled as he read Aurélie’s milk-white face.
‘Please, I need the hospital.’ Her mouth twisted. ‘The baby...’ She put out a hand and he grabbed it, steadying her.
‘It’ll be all right,’ Lucien murmured, telling himself itmustbe, as his brain clicked through the mechanics of getting her to hospital as soon as possible. Fear stirred but he thrust it down. He didn’t have that luxury when Aurélie needed him. ‘Everything will be fine, you’ll see.’
He pushed the door open, lifted her into his arms and turned towards the entrance.
Soft curls nudged his neck and chin as she shook her head. ‘It won’t,’ came the stifled sob. ‘I’m bleeding and there are cramps.’ Her voice rose on a gasp of pain and terror.