‘It will look perfect with that aqua dress you’ve been saving for tonight.’
He’d chosen it because it matched herdress?
She’d hoped he’d thinkshewas perfect, not her wardrobe. That he’d see not the image she projected but the woman desperate for his love. He’d described her as perfect once, but then too he’d meant appearances.
Aurélie’s stomach hollowed as she stifled disappointment. ‘It’s an expensive gift just to match my dress.’
Their gazes caught and held. Anticipation rose.
‘Appearances are important. I know you’re still not comfortable at court but wearing this will help you look the part.’
Hope crumbled and Aurélie berated herself for a fool. How could she have thought...?
She looked down at the gems before he could read her distress. This was window dressing to help her look as if she belonged.
‘Besides, in two days you’ll be twelve weeks pregnant and we’ll announce our engagement.’ He paused as if awaiting a response. ‘Look on it as an early engagement gift. You’ll need something special to wear for the official photos.’
Lucien was being thoughtful, ensuring she’d look the part tonight and next week when they officially got engaged.
Even so, a great ache started up in Aurélie’s chest. Thoughtful was nice. But it was no substitute for love.
She nodded, stroking the fiery opal rather than meeting Lucien’s eyes. There was no point pining for the impossible. Luciencared. That had to be enough. And he wanted her physically.
Maybe that was why she felt so needy. Making love always made her feel emotionally close to him, though for him it was just lust.
‘You’re right. It will look terrific with the beaded dress.’
‘Stand up and I’ll put it on you.’
Aurélie slid out of bed and turned so he stood behind her. She looked through the open dressing room door to their reflections in a full-length mirror. Her pale body and messy hair contrasted with Lucien’s taller, stronger frame, his golden skin. Her heart dipped as he swept her hair aside, settling the necklace around her throat and fastening the catch.
He was right. Even naked, the piece transformed her into someone else.
Like the sort of woman he’d have chosen for himself if an unexpected pregnancy hadn’t forced his hand?
Aurélie swallowed convulsively.
‘You’re so sexy.’ Lucien’s voice was a gruff rumble that twisted her insides needily.
For her it wasn’t only sex, it was love too. Maybe that was why, despite her turmoil, she found it impossible to resist when he wrapped an arm around her waist and hooked her back against him. His other hand went to her breast. Desire weakened her as she watched him tease her nipple and felt the deft play of his fingers on her flesh. Threads of fire wound through her and she shifted back against his erection.
In the mirror their eyes met, Lucien’s glazed with hunger. He looked magnificent. Strongly muscled, handsome and sensual. His heavy-lidded stare was pure invitation.
Need ignited. She wantednotto want him.Notto love him. But there was no remedy for it.
‘I want you, Aurélie.’ His arm dropped from her waist and she watched it slide down her still-flat abdomen, into her nest of red curls. She was already wet, muscles clenching around his fingers as he delved then withdrew. Her knees loosened.
This man made her weak. But she wanted to be strong. Strong enough not to care that he didn’t love her.
She reached around and grasped him, fingers sliding down his length.
That solid jaw clenched and his neck arched back as he groaned. The sound elicited a thrill of pleasure at her power. It made her feel less helpless, watching the tendons stand proud in his taut throat, feeling the jerky thrust of his body into her hand.
‘I need you. Now.’ It was a gruff demand. Lucien stepped back, holding her against him as he sat abruptly on the bed.
The hair on his thighs tickled the back of her legs as she sat but her focus was on his jutting arousal behind her.
‘Spread your legs.’ Aurélie didn’t refuse. She wanted this. Large, impatient hands splayed her legs wide so she sat astride him, open to his touch. She gasped as he delved again to her core, teasing till she shivered and her eyelids fluttered.