Was that why Lucien had been so pleased with the dress? She’d hoped he thought her pretty in it.
But just because they shared spectacular sex didn’t mean he was falling for her. She had to remember that.
‘You haven’t been trying to scare Aurélie off, have you?’ Lucien murmured as he slid into the seat beside her, taking her hand in his. Immediately her stiff body softened. He smiled but a slight frown wrinkled his forehead.
‘Nonsense. The girl has more gumption than to be frightened by a harmless old lady.’
Aurélie smiled and Lucien snorted with laughter. ‘The day you behave like a harmless old lady is the day I start worrying.’ Yet he slanted a questioning look at Aurélie.
‘We’ve been having a cosy chat,’ she reassured him and caught the Grand Duchess’s approving eye.
Remarkably, it seemed she’d discovered an ally. Which was just as well. Aurélie was going to need one.
‘ICAN’TACCEPTIT.’ Aurélie dragged her eyes from the jewellery box to Lucien, sitting on the edge of the bed.
His straight shoulders looked wider than ever naked. Her pulse quickened as she saw the tiny marks there. Marks she’d just made with her fingernails as they made love.
‘You haven’t even seen what’s inside.’ A smile lifted one corner of his mouth and she cursed the familiar melting sensation deep inside.
‘It looks expensive. I don’t need expensive gifts.’
For a moment Lucien looked almost disappointed. But she put that down to a trick of the light.
‘Occasionally a bit of bling is called for. Tonight is one of those nights. Aunt Josephine’s parties are very exclusive and very formal. If you don’t wear at leastsomejewellery, you’ll draw extra attention to yourself.’
Finally Aurélie nodded, accepting the box he pushed into her hands.
The last couple of weeks had been a trial, with so much public curiosity about her. Luckily she’d had the support of Lucien, his friends and even his indomitable and surprisingly likeable great-aunt.
The spiteful stories had eased a little after Princess Ilsa was photographed leaving a party with a notorious billionaire, apparently for a private rendezvous on his luxury yacht. Stories about her being heartbroken over Lucien couldn’t survive in the face of what looked like a blatant affair with a hot lover.
Plus the press who’d tried to dig up dirt on Aurélie had come up empty-handed. People from her home town had been generous with praise. Even her family had for a change been positive. Her stepmother had got quite teary about how much they missed her!
Her family had called to wish her well. The boys had been excited and full of questions about life in a castle but her father and stepmother had been subdued. They would never be close. Aurélie told herself she’d concentrate on the new family she was making with Lucien.
She opened the box. Then froze.
‘This is forme?’ Her voice sounded strangled.
It was dazzling. Two rows of lustrous pearls made a choker style necklace. At the front, surrounded by brilliant diamonds, was a huge aqua gem. Yet when it moved in her shaky hand highlights of deeper green, cobalt and even crimson glowed.
‘It looks alive.’
‘It’s an Australian opal. You like it?’
Aurélie swallowed. Like didn’t go anywhere near her feelings. ‘It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.’
She looked up and found Lucien watching with such intensity her breath stuttered. This wasn’t simply a kind gesture, like arranging the piano lessons she so enjoyed.
This was the sort of gift a man gave the woman he loved.
Was it possible?
She licked suddenly dry lips and Lucien’s attention dropped to her mouth. Her blood sizzled.