The stylist pulled the cover off the first rack and Aurélie sucked in a stunned breath.
The light caught jewel colours that gleamed rich and inviting, wonderful dresses that even she could tell were haute couture.
She couldn’t resist reaching out to finger the sleeve of a jade-green dress, its silk as fine as a butterfly’s wing. The slippery satin of an evening gown in deep amethyst. A halter-neck in an amber shade that reminded her of Lucien’s eyes.
‘It helped that I knew about your fabulous colouring.’ The woman smiled as she uncovered another rack. This one was filled with trousers and jackets, including a long, stylish coat of cobalt blue wool that Aurélie couldn’t take her eyes off.
‘Yes, you’d look terrific in that. The fitted style would make the most of your slim figure.’
Aurélie’s hand dropped. Not slim for long. How far into her pregnancy would she develop a baby bump?
‘I don’t need too much. Just a few things for the moment.’
The stylist nodded and smiled but immediately explained that a full wardrobe had been ordered. ‘Perhaps if we start on what you’re going to need in the next week or two, then see how we go?’ She ran an expert eye over Aurélie, then back to the racks. ‘Tonight, for instance, you’ll want something special.’
‘For the opening of that new photographic exhibition people are talking about.’ Seeing Aurélie’s blank look, she went on, curiosity evident. ‘I was supposed to tell you to be ready at eight. Apparently there was some problem getting the message to you earlier.’
Probably because Aurélie had hung up on Lucien before he could tell her. Guiltily she bit her lip.
Had he realised she’d felt undone by his kindness, or did he think her still in a snit over the ‘royal’ tutorials he’d arranged?
Quickly Aurélie nodded, pretending she’d known about the opening. It must be the one she’d heard about yesterday. One of Lucien’s good friends was a professional photographer. His wife, a bank executive, had spoken about this new exhibition and how he’d almost broken his neck climbing a glacier at dawn to get the right shot. By the time they’d finished describing some of his more outrageous adventures in search of the perfect photo, Aurélie had been relaxed and laughing with the rest of them.
Now, though, she faced the prospect of deciding what to wear for a gala opening. She was torn between eagerness at seeing the exhibition and Lucien’s friends, and dismay at accompanying him in public. Surely it was too soon after his broken engagement?
‘Do you have any suggestions for tonight?’
The stylist put her head to one side. ‘Nothing too formal, of course.’ She moved away from the full-length dresses and Aurélie relaxed a little. ‘But definitely something eye-catching. The opening is a high-profile event. Everyone who’s anyone will be there.’
She reached for a cocktail length dress in bright aqua, shimmering with tiny beads.
‘It’s gorgeous.’ Instinctively Aurélie moved closer then stopped herself. ‘But I think something not so bright.’
‘You’d look a million dollars in this style and the colour against your wonderful hair would turn every head.’
That was what Aurélie was afraid of. ‘I think, for tonight, I’d rather not stand out from the crowd.’
She caught speculation in the other woman’s eyes, then the stylist nodded her understanding.
‘Society events can be a bit overwhelming if you’re not used to them.’ She didn’t glance at Aurélie’s jeans and cheap knitted top, but she’d no doubt sized them up in the first seconds of them meeting. ‘Okay, something a little less bright, at least for tonight, yes?’
Aurélie’s tight shoulders eased a little. ‘Yes, that would be perfect.’
‘How are you holding up?’ Lucien lowered his voice and Aurélie felt it as a velvet caress across her shivery skin. That deep murmur reminded her of making love. Then his voice, roughened with arousal, would make her body sing as much as his touch and his hungry amber stare.
‘I’m good.’ Her smile was real, not like the fake one she’d put on as they’d arrived at the gallery. ‘I’m actually enjoying myself.’
Especially as no one had thrust out an accusing finger, pointing to her as an intruder who didn’t belong. Though therewereplenty of curious looks. The gala opening had attracted a glamorous crowd and Lucien hadn’t left her side.
‘I’m pleased.’ His hand lingered at the small of her back, not quite touching, yet her skin warmed as if from direct contact.
Her heartbeat stilled for a moment as she caught satisfaction in Lucien’s eyes and something more. Heat blossomed in her pelvis.
Aurélie heaved a deep breath, fighting excitement at his flagrantly possessive expression. But that only made her breasts rise against the midnight-blue silk of her dress and Lucien’s gaze dropped to her bodice. Inevitably her nipples pebbled needily.
‘Stop it,’ she hissed. ‘You’re drawing attention to me.’