‘Aurélie? Are you there?’

There it was. The deep-seated sizzle that came whenever she heard Lucien’s voice. She’d hoped it would abate—the strange magic when she heard his voice purr the syllables of her name. But still she was in thrall. Five days as Lucien’s lover, sharing his bed, and the cosy evening hours when they shut the world out, and the magic ensnared her more strongly than ever.

‘I’m here, Lucien.’ Aurélie turned to look down the valley to the city where he was.

She didn’t have time for magic. If she wasn’t careful she’d start imagining there was more between them than sexual attraction and an unplanned pregnancy.

‘What is it? You sound different. Are you okay?’

The man was too perceptive. Of course she wasn’t okay. She was too fond of him, too caught up in what he made her feel. Things could only end in tears if she let herself believe he cared for her as anything other than his baby’s mother.

‘I’m fine. I’ve been for a walk and feel better for it.’

‘You’re not sick?’ Concern tinged his voice and she couldn’t stop a flare of delight that he cared.

Because you’re carrying his child. Remember?

‘No, I’m okay.’ She paused, realising how unusual it was for him to call during work hours. ‘What is it, Lucien? Is everything all right there?’

This week had been tough on him, though Lucien refused to burden her with details. When he arrived home each evening, there was no mistaking the strain he tried to mask.

Fortunately they found ways to relieve that strain...

‘You’re worried about me?’

Aurélie couldn’t tell if that was hope in his voice or curiosity. But it wouldn’t do to let him know exactly how much she felt for him. As it was, parting each day was ridiculously difficult.

Because of pregnancy hormones or something else?

‘You have an enormous workload and you’re facing tremendous pressure.’

Yet just yesterday he’d carved out a couple of hours to take her to a charming mountain inn for lunch. What made the date special wasn’t a romantic rendezvous, but that he’d invited his closest friends to meet her, introducing her as ‘special to me’ but not mentioning her pregnancy.

Aurélie was stunned by his generosity, drawing her firmly into that warm, intimate circle with no caveats, just open-hearted acceptance.

As if shewerespecial.

Her own circle of friends had broken when some had moved away and others had grown distant as she’d devoted herself to longer hours working at home and the restaurant.

Aurélie had been nervous yesterday, expecting a backlash over the broken engagement. But Lucien’s friends had been welcoming. There’d been no judgement, though she guessed they were curious. They’d set her at ease and she’d enjoyed herself enormously.

‘Don’t worry about me, Aurélie. It’s nothing I can’t handle. You concentrate on resting.’ It was a familiar refrain, as if her bouts of sickness really worried him.

‘You only want me to rest so I’m ready to learn about politics and parliamentary processes.’

He huffed a laugh that rippled like sunshine over her skin. ‘That’s only for one afternoon. Surely you can spare the time. Besides, I was ringing to tell you I’ve arranged something a lot more appealing. A couple of things, actually.’

Aurélie’s hand tightened on the receiver. ‘I don’t need treats, Lucien. I totally get that this is stuff I need to understand if I stay here.’

Silence lengthened. She’d snapped the words out like an ungrateful harridan. She’d saidifshe stayed, though she’d already agreed to marry him.

Yet every time she thought of the future Lucien planned she felt nervous and worried.

‘I’m sorry, Lucien. I’m a little...’

Out of my depth?

Petrified I’m falling in love with you?