‘But you were brought up royal, even if you never expected to inherit. You know how it all works.’ She lifted her chin to indicate their surroundings. ‘You grew up in a castle! I grew up in a cramped flat in a working-class neighbourhood.’

He covered the hand that wasn’t holding the teacup. Absurdly, Lucien’s touch eased her jittery pulse. When she had spare time to think on that, Aurélie knew it would be yet another thing to disturb her.

‘Which means I can help you. I’ve made a list of people who can bring you up to speed on what you need to know.’

Aurélie reached across to put her cup down, her mouth firming. She imagined a schedule of tutors trying and failing to turn a commoner into a queen. Would she have to practise deportment, walking with a heavy book on her head? Learn to curtsey? Have a crash course in politics?

She moistened dry lips, about to tell him it was too overwhelming.

‘Isn’t it worth it, for the sake of our child?’

Aurélie sagged back against her pillows. Mere days ago she’d planned on returning to France and raising this baby alone. She told herself that was still possible.

Except it wasn’t.

Not because she wanted her child to inherit a throne. Not because she wanted to be Queen. But because she recognised Lucien’s care for this baby and understood he would love it too. That was too precious to ignore.

Lucien was determined and that would make a huge difference to their baby. It would have a father who fought for it in every way that counted.

Unlike her father. Who’d ignored her, except as an unpaid drudge.

If they married she’d secure a family for her child, the chance to study as she’d dreamed, plus she’d be with Lucien...


Her breath faltered as she met Lucien’s probing stare. Reluctantly she answered. ‘Yes, it’s worth it.’

Was that relief that made his shoulders drop while hers tightened?

‘Give me three weeks before you make the announcement. They say the first twelve are when there’s most danger of complications.’ She stopped, trying not to think about the possibility of miscarriage.

‘Three weeks then.’ Lucien smiled and raised her hand to kiss it. But strangely Aurélie felt no shiver of sensual awareness. Because all his delight was for the baby. This wedding was to secure its birthright.

She should be used to it now. Since her mother died, she’d never been more than a convenience to anyone. She’d never been treasured or loved. Never valued for herself.

Aurélie set her jaw and told herself it didn’t matter.

Lucien was marrying her for their baby’s sake and she was doing the same. That was what counted.

She ignored the crumbling feeling inside. As if the futile imaginings she’d begun to spin around this man during last night’s passion cracked and disintegrated.


‘HISMAJESTYISon the phone, mademoiselle.’

The housekeeper waited in the doorway as Aurélie approached from the woodland path, quickening her step.

In the five days since she’d arrived at the castle her morning sickness had become just that, hitting her only in the morning. She’d got into the habit of heading out for a walk mid-morning, enjoying the clear air and fairyland beauty of green dells and deep forest. The weather had improved, the sun shining and the temperature rising.

Aurélie had a full afternoon ahead, with a tutor coming to teach her about the government, administration and politics of Vallort. Maybe he’d had to cancel...

She was fascinated by Lucien’s country, but studying to become a queen left her unsettled and doubtful.

‘Thank you.’

The housekeeper smiled as she handed over the phone and disappeared inside the castle.

Acastle. Aurélie was staying in a castle. She was the King’s lover and would be mother of a future monarch. Yet again the unreality of her situation sideswiped her.