Aurélie tried to claw her way back to sanity. ‘Have you been working all this time? You look tired.’ She forced herself to focus on the signs of weariness on his handsome face. Concern knotted her stomach. ‘You can’t keep working such long hours.’
If he’s been working all this time. Maybe he was out with someone who doesn’t argue all the time.
She winced, ashamed at the thought, knowing it stemmed from her own experience, rather than anything to do with Lucien. For she suspected her father hadn’t been faithful to her mother during her last illness.
Lucien wasn’t like her father. In fact he couldn’t be more different. She admired his honesty and sense of duty. He had more self-respect, more decency than to dally with another woman while he waited for her answer.
Lucien’s mouth quirked up in a constrained smile that made her even more aware of the tension zinging between them. ‘Worried about me, Aurélie? Careful, you sound almost like a wife.’
For some reason the jibe didn’t hurt. What did was seeing the shadows beneath his eyes and the tight lines bracketing his mouth.
They might disagree on the future, but Lucien was doing his best by the baby and, she admitted, by her. He was dealing with nuclear-grade fallout as a result. She was worried about her future and her baby’s. He had a nation to consider on top of that.
‘I’m serious, Lucien.’ She took a step towards him then halted. Any closer and she’d be tempted to touch, despite what her conscience said.
His shoulders lifted and seemed to spread wider, making her aware of the primal male strength behind that casual movement. ‘It’s been a busy couple of days. Things will get easier now.’
‘Now? What’s happened?’
For a second he hesitated, leaving Aurélie to wonder if he’d rather not share the details.
‘The King of Altbourg has weighed in. At first he was shocked and disinclined to honour the diplomatic and economic arrangements we’d agreed on. Until Ilsa and I had a frank discussion with him.’
Aurélie felt her eyes widen. How frank had that discussion been? Did it include mentioning her pregnancy?
‘Fortunately he loves his daughter. Once he knew she genuinely wanted out of a relationship that couldn’t go anywhere, he became extremely understanding.’ Another shrug. ‘He and his government want this new economic zone as much as we do.’
‘So it’s over? Everything’s okay?’
Aurélie felt the weight of guilt slide from her. She hadn’t done anything wrong, but she’d blamed herself.
‘As far as our governments are concerned, yes.’
‘You’re remarkable.’ At his raised eyebrows she continued. ‘I didn’t think you’d be able to negotiate a settlement. You talk about your inexperience as King but it seems to me Vallort is lucky to have you.’
His mouth twisted ruefully. ‘It’s not quite so simple. The press fallout will continue. But I don’t live my life to accommodate the media.’
Aurélie had fretted about that. She’d seen how the media hounded royalty. If she stayed here, or even if she didn’t, the press would be part of her life, and her child’s.
‘Aurélie? What is it?’
She was shocked at how easily he read her disquiet.
‘I’m thinking about the stories they’ll write when they find out about us.’
Lucien’s gaze dropped and she realised her hand lay against her still-flat abdomen.
‘If you marry me I can protect you.’
Aurélie huffed out a laugh. ‘Hasn’t it occurred to you that saddling yourself with me could be the worst thing from a PR point of view?’
Lucien moved closer, so close she had to lift her chin to meet his stare. ‘Absolutely not.’
Then he did something that shocked her into silence. He fitted his big hand over hers where it lay against her belly. He splayed his fingers and his hot touch branded her. Like a pledge of allegiance and protection.
Or was that crazy, wishful thinking?
‘Whatever anyone says, Aurélie, we’ve created a miracle. I intend to stand by you and our child for the rest of our lives.’