‘It’s not that.’ He was deliberately misunderstanding. ‘You can’t be serious about us...marrying.’ There. She’d said it. ‘It’s preposterous.’
His dark eyebrows furrowed into a deep V. ‘You don’t believe in equality? You think you’re less than me because of who our parents were?’
‘It’s not about being less or more. It’s about being...’ she searched for the right word ‘...incompatible. I don’t belong in this rarefied world.’
Blazing amber eyes held hers. ‘I never thought you such a snob, Aurélie. Next you’ll be saying our child doesn’t belong here.’
‘That’s different—’
‘Of course it’s not. It’s all about what we want and what we believe. And what we choose to teach our child.’ He paused. ‘As for being incompatible, we’ve just proved that’s a lie.’
Aurélie closed her eyes, summoning patience. ‘I don’t mean I think you’re a better person than me. I mean I don’t have the background, the knowledge, to live as a princess.’
‘Queen, not a princess,’ he murmured and she could have clouted him.
‘You’re not taking this seriously!’
‘Oh, believe me, Aurélie. I’ve never been more so.’
That rocked her back on her heels, especially when she read the expression in those glittering eyes. He might taunt and tease, but he was in earnest.
‘Can’t you see that our marrying would be a recipe for disaster? Your people expect you to marry royalty. Someone who can hold their own with diplomats and politicians and royals.’
‘Have the two royals you’ve met been so terribly daunting?’
‘Of course not.’ He was trying to distract her. ‘But I don’t know anything about royal etiquette. I’ve never worn a full-length dress, much less a tiara, or exchanged chitchat with VIPs.’
Lucien tilted his head as if trying to see into her head. ‘That’s what worries you? Talking to VIPs and wearing fancy clothes?’
Aurélie folded her arms in frustration. ‘Those are examples. You can’t deny we come from different worlds. It would be...ridiculous.’
‘On the contrary, we come from the same world.’ He stepped closer, stealing all the oxygen in the room and making her gasp. ‘As a couple we’re anything but ridiculous. Exciting, yes. Amazing. Sublime even.’
She huffed out an impatient breath. ‘You’re talking about sex. Not a relationship.’
‘I’m talking about both.’ He paused and shrugged. ‘Okay, so I’m guessing about the relationship because we haven’t had much of a chance at one. But I know when I’m with you I feel grounded, not in a heavy way, but as if everything is in the right place for once.’
Aurélie stared. Lucien was the ruler of a country. He had wealth, charm and an obstinate willpower that threatened to bulldoze her into a ridiculous situation. Yet all she could think of was how happy she was to hear he felt the same.
Unless they were empty words.
‘You can imagine me at a royal soiree, chatting with the great and the good?’
‘I can imagine it very well. Though I have to disappoint you by observing that just because someone’s a VIP, it doesn’t make them good.’ He smiled and went on before she could interrupt. ‘You’d be the belle of the ball. Everyone would want to talk with you and I’d have my hands full fending off the men.’
Aurélie’s breath hitched. It was crazy but the picture he painted, of Lucien guarding her possessively from male interest, was too appealing.
‘You’ve got the people skills to make a fine diplomatic hostess. Not to mention your language abilities.’
She gawped at him. ‘How would you know what abilities I’ve got?’
A smile curved his lips, making him look far too attractive. ‘I sat for hours in that restaurant. You did a lot more than serve food. You negotiated and advised. You averted some nasty scenes with that tourist when he came on too strong. Somehow you let him down firmly but gently enough that he was still happy. You were kind to the young woman eating alone who looked miserable, and you dealt with both rowdy groups celebrating and families with difficult kids as if nothing fazed you.’
Aurélie stared. She knew he’d watched her, as she’d watched him, drawn by a force stronger than anything she’d known. Yet she’d never imagined him observing quite so clearly.
‘You make it sound like I did something important.’ She shook her head. ‘It’s just my job.’
He laughed. ‘You have no idea, have you? I wish half our diplomats had your people skills. And what about your languages? I counted four that night.’