‘That was the catalyst. But the truth is, neither of us was eager to marry.’

Aurélie felt about an inch tall. Her cheeks burned.

Yet at the same time she felt like rejoicing.

‘I’m so sorry. I—’

‘There’s no need to apologise. Ilsa and I were relieved to end it.’

Aurélie stared, wondering if that were true. Did he really believe that? He and the Princess were so well-matched. Besides that, she’d never met a man more magnetically attractive than Lucien. He had charisma as well as good looks, a depth of character that appealed as much as his charm. Had Ilsareallywanted to end the engagement or had she felt forced to?

‘But it was all arranged! Everyone was preparing for the wedding.’

He inclined his head. As he did the light from the windows shifted, or maybe she just saw him more clearly, registering the signs of weariness around his eyes and mouth.

‘Yes. It’s taking some organising.’

‘But the Princess’s family! Won’t they be upset?’ Surely breaking off the betrothal at this late date would cause offence? Plus the two countries were on the verge of new financial and economic arrangements. Wasn’t this the worst possible timing?

‘There are some issues.’ Lucien’s voice, as much as his expression, confirmed her thoughts. ‘But our decision was mutual. Ilsa and I agreed the marriage wouldn’t be in our best interests and, as a result, not in our countries’ interests.’

He wrapped his hand around the back of his neck as if to ease some stiffness there. Aurélie wondered if it was due to stress. ‘There’s some diplomatic fallout and a whole lot of media interest, but we’ll get through it.’

‘I’m so sorry.’ She wanted to reach out to him but forced herself to sit still. ‘I feel responsible.’

Lucien shrugged. ‘Let’s face it. Whatever arrangement we made about our baby was bound to be problematic, with me married to Ilsa. At least this simplifies things.’

Aurélie was busy telling herself there was nothing momentous about the way Lucien saidour baby, yet she couldn’t deny her shiver of delight at his words.

‘I suppose it does.’ Two parents instead of three made decision-making easier. And though she liked Ilsa, Aurélie wasn’t keen on her child having a stepmother.

Though that would come one day, when Lucien chose another royal bride.

‘Of course it does.’ Lucien leaned forward, his eyes snaring hers. ‘Now I’m free I can do what I should have from the start. Marry me, Aurélie, and we’ll bring up our baby together.’



Lucien stared into Aurélie’s dazed eyes and reminded himself to be patient. She hadn’t been expecting this. Yet he’d expected more enthusiasm.

Disappointment stirred. He’d seen the desire in her eyes last night. He’d read her body language. She’d wanted him then, as she’d wanted him before. That couldn’t have changed in one night.

But was attraction, even the profound desire they shared, enough? Royal life was a privilege but a burden too. Would the prospect of it scare her into saying no?

Lucien couldn’t accept that. Not if he was to look after Aurélie and their baby as they deserved.

‘Never more serious. Now there’s nothing stopping us from taking the obvious step that’s best for our child. Marry and raise it together.’

Aurélie’s mouth opened and closed but no sound emerged. Her eyes grew enormous.

‘But we... We’re not...’ She shook her head and slumped back in her seat.

Anyone would think he’d given her bad news instead of inviting her to marry him. Disquiet niggled his belly.

She looked at him as if he’d grown a second head. As if his proposal were preposterous. As if she denied what was between them.

Lucien thought of the women who’d insinuated themselves into his life, or downright pushed their way in, and that was while he had no expectation of inheriting a throne. The number who’d been eager to try persuading him into a long-term relationship.