They were greeted by an older couple who Lucien explained ran the castle, with help. But they were more than staff, Aurélie decided when she saw the housekeeper blink back tears as she welcomed Lucien and heard the warmth in their voices as they exchanged greetings.
‘What was that you were speaking?’ she asked as she and Lucien made their way up a broad, handsomely carved staircase.
‘The ancient language of the mountains. It’s one of our national languages, along with French and German. It’s spoken mainly in the country areas though there’s a bit of a revival in the city. This way.’ He opened a panelled door and stood back.
Aurélie walked in then stopped, eyes widening and jaw dropping. After a couple of moments she stepped forward, drawn by the vista.
‘This is incredible,’ she whispered. The ceiling was high and the whole wall before her, from knee level up, was a vast expanse of glass facing out over the valley to the mountains on the other side. It was so beautiful it stole her breath.
She reached the window and experienced a moment’s vertigo. Below her was a sheer drop into a chasm where white water sprayed and swirled on its way down to a waterfall. Sunlight caught droplets of moisture on the air, creating a miniature rainbow that reinforced her earlier sense that this was a fantastic, magical place.
‘You like it?’
‘I haven’t got the words. It’s amazing.’ She turned to see Lucien beside her, a smile turning his face from solemn to irresistibly attractive.
She sucked in a fortifying breath and made herself turn back to the view. ‘I thought it would be dark and gloomy inside.’
‘Some parts are, since it was originally built for defence. Fortunately, some of my predecessors decided to renovate. Most of the rooms away from the front have large windows. We also have decent heating and a couple of lifts so you don’t have to climb endless staircases unless you want to.’
Dragging her attention from the view, she surveyed the big sitting room with its plump upholstered sofas, gleaming wood and beautiful carpets that looked like ones she’d seen in museums. There was an enormous bookcase on one wall, filled with paperbacks as well as more serious-looking tomes, and bowls of spring flowers on small tables. The effect was of restrained luxury but, above all, comfort.
Something inside her eased. She didn’t feel intimidated here as she had in the gilded palace. This was a home, not a showpiece. Even if it was inside the most fabulous fairy tale castle.
Her gaze settled on the polished dark wood of a grand piano, sporting an array of photos in silver frames. Aurélie wanted to investigate, guessing they were family portraits. Would there be photos of Lucien as a child? Of his family?
But she wasn’t here to explore. He wanted to discuss arrangements for their baby.
‘Please take a seat,’ he said as the housekeeper entered with a tray.
Settling into the corner of a cosy sofa, Aurélie was relieved to discover the tray held a pot of tea along with home-made biscuits and cake, but no coffee. Had Lucien warned his staff?
He waited till they were both seated and she’d had a sip of tea before speaking. ‘We’ve got important things to decide, Aurélie.’
‘I know.’ It had been stupid to think of leaving without seeing him. But she’d been spooked by the strength of her reaction to him, how close she’d come last night to doing something regrettable. Even now, her body hummed with tension, with need. ‘We have to agree to some arrangements.’
‘Especially as circumstances have changed.’
‘They have?’ Reading his serious expression, Aurélie guessed it wasn’t good news. She stiffened, her mind racing. ‘Is something wrong? Did my blood test show a problem with the baby?’ She put down her tea and braced her hands on the edge of her seat, heart pounding.
‘No, nothing like that. As far as I know, the baby is fine.’
Aurélie sank back, catching her breath. The baby was fine. That was all that mattered.
The moment of intense fear simplified everything, revealing the bond she already felt with her child. Shewasdoing the right thing, choosing to raise it.
‘Whathaschanged is my status.’
‘You’re not King any more?’ She frowned and his mouth curved in a wry smile that tugged a cord deep inside her.
Desperation beat at her. Aurélie could no longer deny her weakness for this man. She barely knew him yet it felt as if she knew everything she needed to, and liked it all.
She needed to leavesoon. Her fingers tightened on the seat beneath her. Being near him was pure torment.
‘It would take a lot for that to change. Apart from anything else, I’m the last of my line.’ He paused, his smile fading, and Aurélie wondered if his thoughts had strayed to his dead cousin. She recalled Lucien’s expression as they’d passed the scene of the rockfall. He was still grieving.
‘No, what’s changed is that I’m no longer engaged. Ilsa and I agreed last night to end our betrothal.’
Aurélie opened her mouth then closed it again. Finally she spoke, her dry mouth making her voice husky. ‘Because of me? Because of what happened last night?’