It sounded like an accusation. He remembered being told she was ready to leave for the bus station. Did she really think she’d walk away from him so easily?

‘Yes. We have things to discuss.’ He gestured to the backpack propped by the wall. ‘Is that all your luggage?’

She nodded.

‘Good. We’ll talk on the way.’ Because after the tense night and fraught morning he’d had, Lucien was ready to get out. ‘I need fresh air.’

Huge eyes met his with an expression that made his stomach drop away. ‘You’re driving me to the bus station?’

She ripped off the band securing her hair back and for a second she looked like an angel painted by some old master. All big eyes, glorious hair and translucent skin. Then she yanked her hair back and tied it in her usual ponytail.

Lucien wanted to tell her to leave it loose. No doubt she’d object and they had more important matters to negotiate.

‘You wanted to leave the palace, didn’t you?’

She nodded. Did he imagine she looked disappointed? Maybe she wasn’t so eager to leave after all.

‘I’ll take you somewhere quiet where we can settle the details.’ The palace was buzzing with excitement and speculation and he’d had enough. There’d be no real escape from public curiosity after this morning, but even half an hour’s respite would be welcome.

Aurélie nodded jerkily and reached for her boots. Moments later she was on her feet. Lucien swung her pack over his shoulder, stifling her protest with a look, then shepherded her out.

They took a secret exit from the palace, driving an unmarked dark blue sports car and emerging from a tunnel known only to a few palace intimates. They emerged a block behind the official back entrance.

Just as well. Even here there were more cars than usual. According to Security, the throng of onlookers at the palace perimeter was now three deep.

Lucien sighed and concentrated on manoeuvring through the busy streets. He didn’t regret what he’d done. But there were still obstacles to be overcome.

Including the obstinacy of this woman.

For fifteen minutes Aurélie was silent, then as he nosed the car towards an exit from the city, she spoke. ‘Where are we going? This can’t be the way to the bus stop.’

‘No, we’re going to my place.’

She spun round towards him. ‘Your place? Don’t you live in the palace?’

Lucien took another off ramp, heading not towards the highway that ringed the city, but another road that led through green farmland towards the head of the valley.

‘Sometimes.’ He felt the corners of his mouth tuck in. ‘I’ve stayed there since returning to Vallort because it’s convenient, given the huge amount of work to be done.’ And because he hadn’t wanted to face the drive to his family home, up the winding road where Justin had met his death. A deep-seated shudder racked him and he tightened his grip on the wheel.

‘But I don’t think of it as home.’ It was magnificent, ideal for royal events, but its grandiose formality made it a showpiece not a home. ‘Much of the palace is used for government administration. There’s a museum in one wing and some of the larger spaces are available for public events like concerts and conferences.’ He paused, slowing to take a narrow bridge. ‘Usually the royal family stays there for major functions or to host international VIPs.’

‘Like Princess Ilsa?’


‘I should talk to her. Explain about last night.’

Lucien turned to see Aurélie frowning at a massive waterfall dropping down a cliff on the other side of the valley.

‘There’s no need. Ilsa and I have spoken about that.’

Aurélie turned to catch his gaze, her expression worried. ‘She understood? About what she saw? I didn’t mean to—’

‘She understood completely.’ Lucien felt again that dragging weight of shame and relief in his gut.

Ilsa had known exactly what she’d seen when she’d opened the door on them last night. It had made their later discussion much easier, though Lucien had never felt so uncomfortable in his life.

He hadn’t actually kissed Aurélie and he’d told himself he’d have pulled back before it came to that. But it had been a relief not to have to pretend indifference any more. It had been tearing him apart.