His lips curved in a tight smile. ‘Of course it will be newsworthy.’ Royalty might have its perks but it had its downside too. Press interest being part of that.
‘There will be a flurry of interest whatever we do.’ Lucien saw her eyes widen in horror and was glad he’d downplayed the inevitable fallout. ‘But I’ll help you. My staff will work with you. You won’t be alone.’
Yet what if she decided to go it alone, returning to France as a single mother? Even with his support it would be tough.
‘Surely adopting our baby, making it your heir, would create scandal in Vallort? Would people accept it?’
Lucien’s mouth firmed. She was right. It wouldn’t be a ripple of interest; it would be a furore. But he’d accepted the burden of kingship and was determined that, in this at least, tradition would bend tohisdemands.
‘I told you I’ll acknowledge my child. I won’t walk away from that. This baby is my family, my flesh and blood. Nothing will make me turn my back on it.’
No matter what it cost him.
He breathed deep, turning his thoughts from the inevitable fallout to the worried woman before him. She looked drawn by strain.
‘I’ve given you enough to think about. I’ll leave you to rest.’ Lucien stood. ‘At the very least you should stay here until we agree what to do.’
The thought of her leaving, drifting off to some hotel where there was no one to look after her or, worse, getting on a bus back home, sent a shiver of dismay down his spine.
He needed her here. Because they had decisions to make. But mainly because she needed rest and care.
No matter what his secretary or anyone else said about keeping his pregnant ex-lover under the same roof as his visiting fiancée. What mattered most was here in this room. His unborn child and a woman who, whether she realised it or not, needed him.
Her chin lifted and their eyes met. Again he felt that disturbing frisson of response shudder through his body.
‘I’ll stay for now.’
Lucien wanted to push for more but he read obstinacy as well as tiredness in that pretty face.
He nodded. That would have to do for the moment.
AURÉLIELOOKEDDOWNthe pedestrian street towards the sunlit mountains. In the last three days spring had arrived in Vallort. She felt its warmth and smelled it on the air.
Which made a nice change now her sense of smell seemed so heightened. Walking past a café and inhaling the rich coffee aroma made her nauseous, as did cigarette smoke.
She sat on a bench beside a planter box of budding flowers. In a few days it would be full of blooms.
Would she be here then?
She had to make a decision. Soon.
For her baby’s sake and her own.
A woman could get used to living in luxury. More worryingly, seeing Lucien every day, however briefly, undermined her resolve to ignore her attraction. It tugged stronger than ever, despite discovering his royal identity.
Despite discovering he was almost married.
She sucked in a ragged breath and buried her hands in her pockets. It wasn’t like her to dither over a decision. But she’d never faced one like this.
As well as suggesting adoption, Lucien offered money to support her through her pregnancy and beyond, whether or not she kept the baby. She could find a place near the university while she studied psychology. Lucien was generous. She’d have enough to cover childcare. But did she want that? Someone else caring for her baby while she studied?
Was she crazy to hesitate? She could achieve her goal of a university qualification and keep her child. But, even with support, Aurélie had no illusions that being a single mother would be easy.
Would her baby thrive better living with Lucien and Ilsa? Everything within her had rebelled at the idea. Until Ilsa had sought her out.
Instead of a cool, distant woman she could dislike, Aurélie had discovered the Princess to be genuine and likeable. Ilsa had disarmed her by admitting she thought Aurélie might be offended by the suggestion they adopt her child. She was right. Aurélie had been offended and hurt. Then Ilsa explained she’d recently received medical advice that, though she wasn’t infertile, she had a condition which made pregnancy more difficult.