‘I’d like you to stay, as my guest, till you feel better. And till we agree on what we’ll do about the baby.’
That was the nub of it—the baby. Lucien might be caring but she wasn’t his main concern. What was?
The baby they’d made?
Avoiding scandal?
Pleasing his fiancée?
Aurélie’s mouth dried and nausea stirred. She reached for her glass of water, taking a sip, telling herself the sudden discomfort could be dealt with by mind over matter.
‘You’re sure you’re all right?’ Lucien leaned in, elbows on his knees.
Aurélie smiled, willing her mouth not to wobble. See, she was fine.
‘Yes. Nothing to worry about.’ She took another sip of water.
Lucien sat back and she had the impression of energy fiercely leashed. He was waiting for something.
‘You came to talk to me.’
‘It can wait till you’re feeling better. I can see you’re not quite yourself.’
Aurélie couldn’t help it. She laughed, the sound half amused, half bitter.
‘You might have a long wait. I haven’t felt normal for a long time.’ Even before the morning sickness there’d been a sense of unreality as she’d tried to come to grips with news of her pregnancy. ‘I’ve got seven months to go.’
Then the changes would really begin. Aurélie would be a single mother. The only thing she knew for sure about the future was that she and Lucien wouldn’t be playing happy families together.
He scowled. ‘The doctor said you’d be sick for the rest of your pregnancy?’
Aurélie stared at his outraged expression. Stupidly, that warmed her lonely heart. ‘No. She said it happens very occasionally but it’s highly unlikely. She’s given me some tips for managing it.’ She glanced at the plate of biscuits beside her glass. Smaller, more frequent snacks had been one suggestion.
‘You need looking after.’
‘I’m not an invalid.’ Aurélie wasn’t sure whether she was trying to convince Lucien or herself. She’d been shocked at how bad she’d felt yesterday, but the doctor had suggested overwork, travel and stress might be factors. ‘What did you want to discuss?’
As if she didn’t know. Her fingers tightened on her glass.
‘The future. Our child.’
Our child.
Surely it was pregnancy hormones that made those two words sound intimate. As if she and Lucien were embarking on this together, like a couple.
‘Does your fiancée know?’
He nodded. ‘I told her last night.’
Aurélie’s eyes rounded. ‘And you still want me to stay here? That doesn’t seem right.’ How must the Princess feel, learning her husband-to-be was about to become a father with another woman?
It struck her thatshewas the ‘other woman’ in this triangle.
Her breath became a hiss of shock and she rubbed her forehead with her fingertips. This was such a mess.
‘Aurélie, it’s okay.’ Lucien half rose as if to touch her but she shrank back in her seat.