‘The issue,’ he said slowly, ‘is what to do now.’ Being engaged to one woman while having a baby with another would be complicated at the best of times. When he was a newly minted king trying to manage national and international expectations of a royal wedding...
‘You say Aurélie doesn’t feel ready for motherhood?’
He frowned. ‘It’s come as a surprise. She had other plans.’
‘I’m not disapproving, Lucien, just making sure.’ After a moment she sat forward, her forehead crinkling. ‘Because I have an idea...’
Morning sun streaming through the windows washed Lucien in warm light as he crossed the sitting room. He wore another perfectly tailored suit. The sunlight caressed his chiselled jaw and the slight furrow along his brow, at odds with his smile of greeting.
Aurélie shifted restlessly on the sofa. Once Lucien had made her feel wonderful. Now his towering presence in the suite where she’d spent the night made her nervous.
Not because he was royal.
Because, despite telling herself yesterday’s response to him was due to tiredness and stress, she still felt his sexual pull. Her hormones stirred.
He doesn’t want you here. You’re a problem to fix.
Her chest squeezed. She felt bereft, knowing they were no longer equals. She yearned for the man he’d been two months ago. An amazing, generous lover who’d made her feel cherished.
‘How are you feeling today, Aurélie?’
‘Better, thank you. I’ve been very comfortable.’
That was an out-and-out lie. She’d occupied a grand half-tester bed in a room filled with antiques that looked as if they belonged in a museum. Years before she’d visited the palace at Versailles on an excursion and this place had a similar feel. Aurélie hadn’t dared touch the furnishings, afraid she’d damage something priceless. She felt overawed.
At least she’d managed to keep her breakfast down and, despite her imposing surroundings, felt more rested than she had in weeks. She’d been working extra shifts, saving as much as possible for the future. An early night had been a welcome luxury.
‘Excellent.’ Lucien sat opposite her, his long legs stretched out. He looked relaxed in this stultifying opulence. As if ornately frescoed ceilings, gilt-edged furniture and the do-not-touch air of refinement didn’t intimidate him. ‘I was worried about you.’
Aurélie’s heart jumped. ‘You were?’
Their eyes met and she felt a little stab of sensation. It ran straight through her middle, warming her deep, deep inside. She stared into eyes the colour of amber and imagined heat there.
Imagined. To Lucien she was an unwanted complication. What they’d shared in Annecy was over, for him at least.
He frowned. ‘You doubt it?’
‘I...no.’ Of course Lucien cared. He wasn’t an ogre. Even if he hadn’t been at his best yesterday.
‘I asked the doctor to check on you today.’
‘She’s already been.’ Aurélie had been glad to see a female doctor. Had Lucien arranged that specifically? ‘She says I’m doing well.’
‘And that you need rest.’
Slowly she nodded. ‘She said I should try to avoid stress.’
Lucien’s eyebrows rose and a wry smile curved his mouth. For a second it felt as if they shared silent camaraderie. As if stress could be avoided in these circumstances!
An answering smile tugged Aurélie’s lips. The moment strung out between them, neither moving. It could only have lasted seconds yet to Aurélie’s fertile imagination it seemed as if neither wanted to shatter the connection.
Her thoughts moved to what else she’d discussed with the doctor. The non-invasive paternity test using blood drawn from the mother and a mouth swab from the father. Learning there would be no danger to the baby, Aurélie had asked the doctor to take blood from her arm right away. The sooner Lucien knew the baby was his, the better.
Yet the thought of needing to prove her child’s paternity brought her back to reality. This wasn’t the sort of relationship she wanted with a man. Where was the trust?
But you’re not beginning a relationship with Lucien.
‘It would be best if you stayed here.’