‘Ms Balland?’ A thin man in an impeccably cut suit emerged from a door in the gilded panelling.

Aurélie shot to her feet. ‘Yes, that’s me.’

‘I’m sorry to keep you waiting. But I’m afraid your request is impossible. People don’t walk into the palace unannounced and demand an appointment.’

‘Request. Irequestedan appointment.’


‘Believe me, if I’d been able to make an appointment in the normal way, I would have. I tried and every time was told it’s impossible.’ She heard her voice waver on the last word and swallowed hard. She wouldn’t be put off this time.

The man smiled as if sympathising, but his eyes remained watchful. ‘If you’d like to tell me why you believe you need this interview—’

‘No!’ Her voice rose and the security guard stirred as if expecting her to run amok. She took a deep breath, searching for calm, despite the unease feathering her spine and the queasy cramp of her belly.

‘In that case, I’m afraid I can’t assist you. But—’ his raised hand forestalled her protest ‘—if you leave a note I’ll see it’s delivered.’

Aurélie was already shaking her head before he stopped talking. Any note would be opened and vetted by staff. ‘This is a private matter.’


To her surprise that one syllable sounded almost understanding. She looked at the bureaucrat, only to find he wasn’t watching her face but her hand, pressed low to her abdomen. Hastily Aurélie moved her arm to her side, heat flooding her cheeks as his gaze snapped to hers.

Suddenly, instead of feeling desperate and annoyed at the hurdles she faced, Aurélie felt vulnerable. And even more nervous.

Her breath came in shallow gasps. The cherubs above her seemed to tilt and she realised the chocolate bar she’d had on the bus was no substitute for a proper breakfast. Or lunch.

To her surprise the man said, ‘Perhaps this one time I might venture to make an exception. Come with me, please.’

From the corner of her vision she saw the security guard’s eyes widen. Then the grey-suited man scooped up her pack and led her into a part of the palace the public never saw.

Aurélie finally had what she needed—the chance of a face-to-face meeting.

Why did that make her feel as if she’d burned her bridges?

Lucien ignored the vibration of his phone in his pocket. Again.

Instead he watched Ilsa walk up the aisle towards him, as beautiful as ever in high heeled boots, tailored trousers and a top of muted gold that matched her hair. Late afternoon light angled through the cathedral’s stained-glass windows, so that as she reached him she was bathed in jewel colours.

She met his stare and smiled briefly. Ilsa, the girl he’d known years before, had grown into a lovely woman. Poised, elegant and good-natured. No wonder Justin had been happy to make her his bride in a dynastic marriage.

Lucien wished he could be more enthusiastic now he’d reluctantly stepped into his cousin’s shoes. For with Justin’s death, Lucien had stepped not only into his shoes but his crown and all his obligations.

Including the promise to marry the Princess of Altbourg.

Surprisingly it was only Ilsa who’d questioned his willingness. Not because she’d loved Justin, but because she knew Lucien hadn’t been raised, like Justin, to expect a marriage of convenience. She’d been one of the few who fully understood the seismic shift in his life, catapulted from private citizen to King in a single day. The only others who truly recognised that were Felix, his royal secretary, and a few close friends.

Lucien breathed deep, aware of the air shuddering into his tight lungs. Of his rigid spine and shoulders, the ache at the base of his skull.

‘Excellent,’ said the archbishop to Ilsa. ‘Then your father will place your hand in His Majesty’s.’

They stood together before the old man as he went through the ceremony, describing each detail, ensuring they understood not only the process but its significance.

As if they didn’t both already know!

Everything was riding on this marriage. It would join their two countries. Another step on the road to finalising plans that had been in the making for almost twenty years. A step towards an exclusive economic and trade zone between their nations. A symbol of hope and renewal to a country still reeling from the loss of two much-loved royals.

It would change Lucien’s life for ever.